Dr. O’Hare runs the Cognitive and Affective Psychophysiology and Experimental Science (CAPES) Lab. Her lab uses electroencephalography (EEG) and computes event-related potentials (ERPs) to understand how emotions impact our cognitive processing. In particular, the lab focuses on the influence of anxiety on attention. In addition, we study how training in mindfulness practices can moderate the relationships among emotion and cognition. 

Collecting and processing psychophysiological data takes a team! Students who work in the lab learn how to use the EEG equipment and run study protocols. They have the opportunity to be co-authors on lab research posters and papers and present at conferences. If you are interested in research experience in the CAPES Lab, please reach out to Dr. O’Hare.


Aminda O’Hare, Ph.D.
Lindquist Hall 392

Lab Presentations



Peer-reviewed journal articles

O’Hare, A. J., & Gemelli, Z. T. (2023). The effects of short interventions of focused-attention vs. self-compassion mindfulness meditation: Evidence from self-report, classroom performance, and ERPs. PLoS ONE, 18(1), e0278826.

Swain, R. H., Brandley, K., Gardner, A. T., & O’Hare, A. J. (2022). Individual differences in social intelligence and perception of emotion expression of masked and unmasked faces. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7(54), 1-9.

Kershaw, T. C., Fugate, J. M. B., & O’Hare, A. J. (2020). Teaching undergraduates to understand published research through structured practice in identifying key research concepts. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 9(2), 216-233.

Fugate, J. M. B., MacDonald, C., & O’Hare, A. J. (2020). Emotion words’ effect on visual awareness and attention of emotional faces. Frontiers of Psychology, 10(2896), 1-14.

Viveiros, J., Chamberlain, B., O’Hare, A. J., & Sethares, K. A. (2019). Meditation interventions among heart failure patients: an integrative review. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 1-9.

Benau, E., Hill, K., Atchley, R. A., O’Hare, A. J., Gibson, L., Hajcak, G., Illardi, S., & Foti, D. (2019). Increased neural sensitivity to self-relevant stimuli in major depressive disorder. Psychophysiology, 56(7). 

O’Hare, A. J. & Beer, A. (2018). A mixed-method investigation of past trainees’ perceptions of a critical incident situational awareness training. Journal of Policing and Criminal Psychology.

Fugate, J. M. B., O’Hare, A. J., & Emmanuel, W. S. (2018). Emotion words: facing change. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79, 264-274.

O’Hare, A. J., Atchley, R. A., & Young, K. M. (2017). Central and divided visual field presentation of emotional images to measure hemispheric differences in motivated attention. Journal of Visualized Experiments, e56257. 

O’Hare, A. J., Atchley, R. A., & Young, K. M. (2016). Valence and arousal influence the late positive potential during central and lateralized presentation of images. Laterality, 22(5), 541-559.

Hall, M. P., O’Hare, A. J., Santavicca, N., & Falk Jones, L. (2015). The power of deep reading and mindful literacy: an innovative approach in contemporary education. Innovacion Educativa, 15(67), 49-59.

Hall, M. P. & O’Hare, A. J. (2014). Building community: Cross-Discipline Mindfulness. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 18(4), 18-23.

Bistricky, S. L., Atchley, R. A., Ingram, R., & O’Hare, A. J. (2014). Biased Processing of Sad Facial Expression: An ERP Marker for Depression Vulnerability. Cognition and Emotion. 28(3), 470-492.

Crocker, L. D., Heller, W., Warren, S. L., O’Hare, A. J., Infantolino, Z. P., & Miller, G.A. (2013). Relationships among cognition, emotion, and motivation: Implications for intervention and neuroplasticity in psychopathology. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 1-19.

Fugate, J. & O’Hare, A.J. (2014). A Review of the Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. Journal of Social Psychology, 154(1), 92-95.

Hall, M. P., Singh, B., O’Hare, A. J. & Ames, E. G. (2014). Integrated Learning in a Science of Kriyayoga Course. DEV SANSKRITI: Interdisciplinary International Journal, 3, 55-65.

Atchley, R.A., Illardi, S., Young, K. Stroupe, N., O’Hare, A.J., et al. (2012). Depression Reduces Perceptual Sensitivity for Positive Words and Pictures. Cognition and Emotion, 26(8), 1359-1370.

Shafer, A., Matveychuk, D., Penny, T., O’Hare, A.J., Stokes, J. & Dolcos, F. (2012). Processing of Emotional Distraction is both Automatic and Modulated by Attention: Evidence from an Event-Related fMRI Investigation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(5), 1233-1252.

O’Hare, A.J. & Dien, J. (2009). Anxious Arousal and ERP Components. Journal of Clinical EEG & Neuroscience, 40(1), 206.

O’Hare, A.J. & Dien, J. (2008). The Fear Survey Schedule as a measure of anxious arousal: Evidence from ERPs. Neuroscience Letters, 441, 243-247.

Dien, J. & O’Hare, A.J. (2008). Evidence for Automatic Sentence Priming in the Fusiform Semantic Area: Convergent ERP and fMRI Findings. Brain Research, 1243, 134-145.

O’Hare, A.J., Dien, J., Waterson, L, & Savage, C.R. (2008). Activation of the Posterior Cingulate by Semantic Priming: A co-registered ERP/fMRI Study. Brain Research, 1189, 97-114.


Book Chapters

O’Hare, A. J. (2021). Being at one with myself: Embracing the teacher identity. In N. Lemon (Ed.). Creating a Place for Self-care and Wellbeing in Higher Education (pp. 60-71). Routledge.

O’Hare, A. J. (2021).  Risking being yourself: Owning your identity within the academic framework. In M. P. Hall & A. Brault (Eds.). Academia from the Inside: Pedagogies for Self and Other (pp. 25-45). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Hall, M. P., Falk Jones, L., & O’Hare, A. J. (2017). Internal ways of knowing: a case for contemplative practices in pre-service teacher education. In K. Byrnes, J. Dalton, & E. Dorman (Eds.). Contemplative Practices in Pre-Service Teacher Education. (pp. 8-24). Washington, D. C.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.

Hall, M. P., & O’Hare, A. J. (2016). Wide-Awakeness in the classroom: the power of mindfulness attention training for in-service teachers in a graduate educational research course. In R. Collister, J. Buley, & D. Buley (Eds.). Art of Noticing Deeply: Commentaries on Teaching, Learning, and Mindfulness. (pp. 7-18). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hall, M. P., & O’Hare, A. J. (2016). Learning and emotion: the power of service learning in STEM fields. In D. Sunal & J. Newman (Eds.), Science and Service Learning. (pp. 221-239). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.