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Study Types

When you are ready to begin the research process, you will need to decide which type of study will be appropriate for your project. You will have four options to choose from:

  • Standard Study – A study that is scheduled to take place at a specific location (i.e. not online), and where there is only one part (session) to the study that participants will participate in. To receive credit, Participants must sign up in Sona Systems (via time-slots) and attend a specific session. Researchers grant credit to participants upon the completion of the session.

  • Multi-Part Standard Study - A study that is scheduled to take place at a specific location (i.e. not online), in multiple parts (multiple sessions). The different parts may be scheduled to take place a specified number of days apart, and a participant must sign up for all parts of the study at one time. Researchers grant credit to participants upon the completion of the session(s).

  • Online Internal Survey Study - An Online Internal Survey Study is a survey study where the questions are set up in Sona Systems. The survey is distributed through Sona Systems. Participants select the study link and are directed to the survey. Credit is assigned automatically upon completion of the survey.

  • Online External Survey Study - An Online External Survey Study is a survey study where the questions are set up in Qualtrics but then attached to a study in Sona Systems. The survey is initially distributed online by Sona Systems, redirected to Qualtrics, and then sent back to Sona in order to assign participation credit. Researchers must carefully set up the redirecting links in both Sona and Qualtrics in order for credit to be assigned correctly.


**Note – All student research will be offered for CREDIT only - please select the credit option when creating your study.