Update Your Personal Information: Preferred Name, Legal Name, & Gender

How to Add or Change a Preferred Name, Legal Name, & Gender

Weber State University is committed to ensuring that students feel safe, seen, and included in the campus community. The University's name and gender change processes are designed to ensure that students are correctly identified in their student records and learning environments, including in the classroom, in Canvas, and when accessing academic and support resources.

Students and employees are welcome to add a preferred first name to their records using the eWeber portal. Students can update their legal name and gender through the Office of the Registrar. Please use the following instructions, and contact the Registrar's Solution Center with any questions at 801-626-6100 or registrar@weber.edu.

Preferred First Name Changes

The preferred first name option allows students to be identified by a first name that differs from their legal name, and may include a shortened version of their name (such as "Mike" instead of "Michael" or "Angie" instead of "Angelica"), a middle name, or a name that better aligns with your gender identity.

Your preferred first name will show in class rolls, Canvas, Starfish, CatTracks, and on your Wildcard student ID in place of your legal first name. Preferred first name will not show on academic transcripts, financial aid records, or international/SEVIS documentation.


  1. To add a preferred first name to your student record, please log into the eWeber portal and then select the avatar in the upper right corner of the page. This avatar may be your profile picture or a purple silhouette depending on your profile settings (see screenshot below).
  2. In the dropdown menu, select Profile Settings.
  3. Select the Personal Information tab on the Personal Profile page. This will open a screen that allows you to edit your information.
  4. In the top section, Personal Details, select the edit icon, enter your preferred first name, and click Update to save. 

Screenshot of eWeber portal with arrow pointing to avatar in upper right corner

For assistance with the preferred name change process or questions about preferred names and pronouns, please contact University Registrar Cori Horne at 801-626-6047 or corihorne@weber.edu.

Students who are graduating can request that their preferred first name be used on their diploma or certificate and in the Commencement Program by emailing graduation@weber.edu from their Wildcat email.

Legal Name & Gender Changes

To update your legal name or gender, please complete the following steps.

In Person:

  1. Visit the Registrar's Solution Center on the first floor of the Student Services Building, Suite 101. At Davis Campus, visit Davis Enrollment Services, located on the second floor of Davis Building 2, Suite 241.
  2. Bring a valid photo ID, Social Security card, and/or court order reflecting the new name. (Please note that a marriage license is not acceptable documentation.)

By Email:

  1. Send an email request from your Wildcat email to registration@weber.edu.
  2. Include your former name/gender, new name/gender, and W number.
  3. For name change only, please include your reason for the change: marriage, divorce, or legal name change.
  4. Attach a scanned copy of a valid photo ID, Social Security card, and/or court order reflecting the change. (Please be sure that you have signed your Social Security card.)

For questions or additional assistance, please contact the Registrar's Solution Center at 801-626-6100 or registration@weber.edu.

Related Processes:

Username & Email Address: Students can update their Wildcat username and email address to reflect their name change by using the Wildcat Username & Email Changes instructions below.

Employee Records: If you are a student employed part-time or full-time at Weber State, please also follow the Name Changes for Employees instructions found below.

Graduation: Students who complete the name change process before submitting a Graduation Application will have their updated name appear on their diploma or certificate and in the Commencement Program. Students who have already submitted their Graduation Application can request a name change on their forthcoming diploma or certificate and in the Commencement Program by emailing graduation@weber.edu from your Wildcat email. Prior graduates who have a name change can order a replacement diploma.

Wildcat Username & Email Changes

To update your Wildcat username and email address to match your new legal or preferred name, please complete the following steps.

  1. Access the Wildcat Username Change Request Form.
  2. Select First Name Change, Last Name Change, or Both Names Change.
  3. Complete the online form and click submit.

Please allow up to 5 business days for processing.

Please note that this change will reflect in the email address but not the attached Gmail display name due to security access requirements. The University understands the importance of preferred names reflecting in as many systems as possible, and is working on a solution to this issue.

For questions or additional assistance regarding your Wildcat Username, please contact the IT Help Desk at 801-626-7777, csupport@weber.edu, or .

Name Changes for Employees

Students who are part-time or full-time Weber State employees must also notify the Payroll Office of any legal name change. To do so, please complete the following steps.

  1. Visit the Payroll Office located in Miller Administration Room 110.
  2. Bring a valid photo ID, Social Security card, and/or court order reflecting the new name.

For questions or additional assistance, please contact Payroll at 801-626-6031 or email payroll@weber.edu.