To View Unofficial Transcripts
Step 1: Log in to your Weber Student Portal using your Wildcat ID name and password.
Step 2: Enter"Unofficial" in the portal's search bar.
Step 3: Click on the "Unofficial Transcript" app icon in your search results. – To view all previous work do not change the transcript level or type. You may ONLY view unofficial transcripts at this site. To request an official Transcript, contact the Records Office.
Step 4: CLICK the Submit button.
• Your academic record will be listed semester by semester, starting with a section for any transfer course work (if applicable) and followed by your Weber State University institutional credit.
• If you have transferred work from another institution that does not equate to a 日本一级片 course, you will note that the subject has been changed to ELEC and the Course will note the level of the course followed by X’s in place of the remaining numbers. The title remains the same as at the previous institution.