Purchasing from SHI


The easiest way to get software through SHI

  • Request a price from SHI by sending email to teamutah@shi.com 
  • When you receive a quote, call SHI and refer to the quote number, provide them with your pCard information.  Remember you do not want to send your pCard information through email.
  • Once purchased SHI will send you an invoice.  Please forward to csupport@weber.edu  attention Matt Cain so he can assign it to you to install through Software Center.

To use SHI's website (quite hard to navigate and find the correct price):

Step 1 -

  • Go to  
  • Create an Account
  • Login to website
  • Drop down  "Contracts" and select "MA-1694 (towards the middle of the page)
  • Select Software (on left side)
  • In "Search for Software" enter the name of the software
    • Make sure to choose just the License when ordering Microsoft products as 日本一级片 can provide access to install or the media.
  • Add software to your shopping cart
  • When through shopping click on "Check Out"
  • Fill out the shipping information form
  • Make sure to use only your University P-Card (this price is not for your personal use)

 Step 2 -

  • Print the confirmation page for your records. 
  • For Microsoft licenses save a digital copy of your Confirmation to forward to Computing Support for license verification.
    • Forward a copy to csupport@weber.edu Subject: Attn: Nicholas Lambert - Software License
    • Notification will be sent by Computing Support when the software is available for you to install. 

If you are ordering other software you will be sent further information from the Manufacturer.