Physical Wellness

physical wellnessPhysical Wellness involves being attentive to the needs of your body. Our behaviors impact both our physical health and our overall wellness. A physically well person makes healthy habits (good nutrition, regular physical activity, managing stress, getting adequate sleep, etc.) a priority, avoids unhealthy and potentially destructive habits (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.) and pays attention to the signs of illness, seeking care when needed.

Tips for Physical Wellness

No Meal Left Behind
Strive to eat breakfast each day. You are most likely balancing work, school, and in some cases extracurricular activities. Look at your schedule for each day and plan to prepare food that you can take on-the-go. Make a conscious effort to read your food labels and steer clear of processed sugars. Listen to your body and think about whether you are hungry versus bored and simply looking to snack.

Exercise Regularly
When we think of exercise, many jump to the conclusion of getting a gym membership. This is simply not the case, and there are many ways to stay active without the stress of heading to the gym. As a general rule of thumb, strive to get 150 active minutes each week - About 30 minutes per day - By participating in any activity that makes you get excited about fitness. This could be as simple as walking, swimming, running, playing basketball, or lifting weights. Find what makes you happy and stick to it!

Do Not Forget Your Water
Replace sugary drink choices with water. Drinking water prior to eating a meal can help prevent overeating as well. Naturally, water is the healthiest choice of drink for our bodies and the best way to hydrate ourselves. When exercising, it is even more important to help keep you hydrated, avoid muscle cramping, and increase the effectiveness of your workout.

Catch Your Zzz’s
Aiming to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night can help you feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. Developing a bedtime routine will also help you to fall asleep easier. Limit the use of electronics an hour before bed. Additionally, practice unwinding activities such as meditation or deep breathing to aid relaxing your mind and body to get it ready for sleep.

日本一级片 Resources

All of these 日本一级片 Resources are free or low-cost for 日本一级片 students.

Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation provides programs such as rock climbing, skiing, outdoor equipment rentals, outdoor adventure trips, club and intramural sports, drop-in fitness classes, and aquatics. Many of these programs involve interaction with the environment and contribute to a positive well-being.

Wildcat Lanes and Game Center
Wildcat Lanes is a recreation center with bowling, billiards, shuffleboard, air hockey, and video games.

Weber State Dining provides an exciting and innovative dining services program for the entire Weber State community. You’ll find great food, honest values, and a comfortable atmosphere in which to enjoy it all.        

The Swenson/Stromberg Gym has the equipment you need to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. You can stop by the gym and lift weights, run the track, play racquetball, or engage in many other activities to help you get and stay fit

Weber Cares Food Pantry
The Weber Cares program is comprised of two options for students who are experiencing food insecurity: the food pantry is available for students to fill bags with needed food, and the voucher program is designed to give students a more immediate assistance option. The purposes of these programs are to increase healthy eating options, decrease food insecurity, and increase students' ability to stay in school and finish their degree. You can help by hosting a food drive or staffing the pantry. 

Disability Services
Ensures that all students with disabilities have equal educational opportunity during their college careers.

Offers affordable on-campus dorms and apartments available for both married and single students.

Group Exercise
Provides exercise opportunities and services to students who wish to be involved in an exercise program hosted in a group setting.

Provides opportunities for recreational play and a chance to meet other students with similar interests.

Club Sports
Provide opportunities for take part in a variety of individual and group sports, meet new people, try new recreational activities, earn scholarships and gain leadership experience.

Aquatics Program
Offers a variety of programs and activities to allow people of all skill levels to participate. The recreational aquatics program offers structured events and informal recreation opportunities including swim lessons for both adults and children, water aerobics, drop-in lap swimming, and opportunities for scheduling parties.

Dental Hygiene Department
Provides professional dental hygiene services at lower fees. Services are given by students in the Dental Hygiene Program.

Nursing/Pumping Room
日本一级片 has multiple lactation rooms around campus, including in the Shepherd Union, Marriot Allied Health Science, and William H. Miller Administration.