February 2022
Intermountain Sustainability Summit
Get ready for the 2022 Intermountain Sustainability Summit!
March 16th-18th participants and presenters from a wide range of perspectives and sectors (education, business, government and non-profit) will come together to learn, collaborate, and be inspired.
This year’s Summit is being held virtually, with three days of events.
The main day of the Summit (Thursday, March 17th) will feature two keynote speakers, including Rob Davies, Utah’s eminent physicist and climate communicator. He will speak on the interconnection between physics, energy and the economy. Additionally, over 50 presenters will host live and pre-recorded sessions, students will present at the Student Poster Contest, and emerging artists will showcase sustainability-focused art.
Worldwide Climate/Justice Teach-In
Join with others around the world and make climate a class! On Wednesday, March 30, 2022, Weber State will participate in the Solve Climate by 2030 Worldwide Climate/Justice Teach-in. Plans are underway for four 50-minutes sessions in the morning, at 8:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 11:30 a.m., geared to the 日本一级片 community. People may attend in-person in the Shepherd Union Skyroom (space is limited to about 100 people) or via , which will also allow for faculty and their students to join from their classrooms. These times are aligned with the standard start/finish times for classes on the MWF schedule. Each session will include:
· A welcome to the global initiative;
· A brief presentation on the overarching climate change picture;
· Three 5-minute faculty flash talks on key climate and disciplinary; connections/engagement to address climate change issues and solutions; and
· An interactive Q & A discussion and direction on next steps for engagement.
A community-facing event is also planned from 6:00-7:30 p.m., Dumke Hall in the Hurst Center, with a virtual option available.
The Worldwide Teach-In is a project of the Graduate Programs in Sustainability at Bard College in New York, in conjunction with partners worldwide and the Open Society University Network, with the goal of engaging 1000 communities (universities, colleges, K-12 schools and more).
Free Fare all Throughout February
February is Free Fare month. All month long all UTA transportation including Ski Bus, Paratransit, and On Demand is free for all to use. To take advantage of this you can download the UTA GoRide or Transit app to see bus and train schedules and plan your route, or you can simply walk right up and hop on. There is no need to tap on or off or book a ticket in advance.
UTA is offering free fares this month in an effort to improve Utah’s poor air quality. Typically, February is a tough time for Utah air. Public transit can help offset the pollution and be a part of the solution to cleaner skies. Visit for more information and to find schedule and route information.
The Free Swap hosted by the Sustainable Clubs was a huge success! The biggest free thrift shop of the year brought in 541 pounds of secondhand donations from the Weber State community. A total of 138 students came to the event and walked away with clothes, books, and home goods that were ready for a second life. All remaining winter items were donated to the Lantern House, with everything else being donated to a local thrift store. The event was covered by Ezra Striley-Weinman, and featured in the February 8th edition of .
Show You Teach Sustainability – Apply for the SUS Course Attribute
Faculty, if you address sustainability-related topics or challenges in your courses, let students know that by linking the SUS attribute to your course. The deadline to submit for a SUS attribute is March 1st for upcoming summer and fall courses. The process is easy to apply. Review the criteria and prepare your syllabus to include at least two sustainability-focused learning outcomes, complete the , and create and launch a “1.7 Course Attribute Request” in where you will attach your request form and syllabus.
If you would like help through the process, two drop-in help sessions are available via on Wednesday, February 16th from 2-3 pm and Friday, February 25 from 3-4 pm. If you have any questions, contact Alice Mulder amulder@weber.edu.
NEW $1,000-$5,000 Sustainability Leadership Scholarship
Thanks to the generous support of a local donor, the Jeanne A. Evenden Sustainability Leadership Scholarship is available to support junior, senior and graduate students who are enrolled full- or part-time in a field related to sustainability (e.g., Energy Engineering, Environmental Sciences or Studies, Applied Environmental Geosciences, Geography, Environment & Sustainability). Consideration will also be given to students enrolled in studies with an environmental/sustainability focus such as biology, botany, ecology, hydrology, journalism, natural resource management, political science, zoology or any other relevant field.
Interested students should have completed the FAFSA form for next year and submitted a short personal essay regarding their sustainability interests and engagement. Awards of $1000-$5000 towards the 2022-23 academic year will be made for 1-5 students. Full details on the criteria for this scholarship and the link to the submission form can be found here. The deadline to apply is March 1st.
Every month departments on campus have an opportunity to join a green team, improve their score, and move up in certification within the Green Department Program. This month the Emergency Healthcare Department and the Sustainability Practices and Research Center moved up to the highest ranking of Green. Disability Services reached Gold and the College of EAST Dean’s Office certified at a Bronze level. Congratulations all!
Wondering what a green team is? Think you might want to join one? Visit weber.edu/sustainability/green-department.html.
February 16
SUS Attribute Help Session for Faculty
2:00 - 3:00 pm by
February 17
Self Love and Candle Making Workshop
2:00 - 3:00 pm Facility Management Room 101
February 18
Monitoring Utah's Snowpack and Forecasting Water Supply
Water Future of the Intermountain West seminar series
12:30 - 1:20 pm via
February 22
Deadline (extended) to submit posters for the Student Poster Contest
February 25
Building a Nutrient Mass Balance Model for Utah Lake
Water Future of the Intermountain West seminar series
12:30 - 1:20 pm via
February 25
SUS Attribute Help Session for Faculty
2:00 - 3:00 pm by
March 1
Deadline for SUS course attribute applications
March 1
Deadline to apply for Jeanne A. Evenden Scholarship
March 4
Water Security and Agriculture
Water Future of the Intermountain West seminar series
12:30 - 1:20 pm via
March 16 - March 18
Intermountain Sustainability Summit
In the News