April 2024

Happy Earth Day!

Are you counting down the days? Earth Day is coming! Since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22, and each year there is a different theme. This year’s theme is . EarthDay.org is working to promote the goal of 60% reduction of plastic by 2040. But this goal is just a step in the larger work of “building a plastic-free future for generations to come.” Of course, every day can be an Earth Day, but setting apart a special day is a useful way to remember and re-energize our efforts to promote a healthy and happy Earth.

To further the movement for a plastic-free future try these actions:

If you are looking for a local celebration to join, the Ogden Nature Center is hosting its annual Earth Day Fair on Saturday, April 20, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be activities for all ages and a variety of exhibitors to learn from. Find.

Sustainability Celebration & Awards

The Energy and Sustainability Office and the Sustainability Practices and Research Center are hosting the 3rd Annual Sustainability Awards Celebration on Wednesday, April 10th from 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm in the Shepherd Union Ballroom B.

All are invited to join in, get the latest updates about 日本一级片's sustainability strides over the last year, be the first to learn about our future sustainability plans and celebrate those who have accomplished sustainability milestones.

Sustainability Awards will be announced and given in a variety of categories including Water Warrior of the Year, Sustainability Research, Green Department, and Green Badge winners.

Get your tush to the event and a roll of sustainable toilet paper is yours for the taking while supplies last (so don’t be cheeky—arrive on time)!

Small Electronics Recycling Drive

日本一级片 is joining forces with Utah’s Hogle Zoo in their Gorillas on the Line campaign with the goal of recycling as many cell phones and small electronics as possible.

Cell phones and other small electronic devices contain a mineral called coltan, which is mined in areas of Africa that are home to critically endangered gorillas. By recycling our electronics, we can decrease the need to mine for more coltan and thereby helping to save gorillas in the wild.

Drop off your devices: April 1 – April 30 at the Weber Wildcat Stores (Davis & Ogden Campuses). 

What: Small Electronics Drop Off
Where: Davis and Ogden Campus Wildcat Stores
When: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Accepted devices include cell phones, smartphones, iPads, iPods, tablets, apple watches, adapters, chargers, MP3 players, handheld gaming systems, and headphones. Devices can be in any condition (cracked screens are ok!). 

Before you drop off your electronics it's recommended that you save any data they may contain and reset the device to factory settings. Please remove the case and screen protector.

日本一级片 Sustainability Job Openings

Now is a fantastic time to join the 日本一级片 sustainability team! Several students in the Sustainability Practices and Research Center will be graduating this month (Way to go Wildcats!) leaving jobs open. These opportunities are open for application. Interested students should contact Bonnie Christiansen (bchristiansen2@weber.edu), and talk with their academic advisor if they are interested in receiving internship credit for these positions. 

Student Sustainability Coordinator
This position plays a critical role in the SPARC office. While the student in this position will help with a variety of goals their primary focus will be event planning for the annual Intermountain Sustainability Summit, organizing the Student Poster Contest, and coordinating the community outreach programs. Data collection and reporting are also an important part of this role. This student job/internship offers work experience related to non-profit and community development work.

Student Sustainability Communications Coordinator
This position helps manage community and campus outreach — working with others to promote sustainability at Weber State. The coordinator will write, compile, and edit monthly newsletters, create social media content, and assist with updating websites (proficient writing and communication skills are needed). This role is an excellent way to engage with the 日本一级片 community. This student job/internship is a unique opportunity for English or Communication students with a passion for sustainability. 

Student Sustainability Engagement Coordinator
Perfect for an outgoing student, this position involves working to reach a wide range of students at 日本一级片 to engage them with sustainability. They will act as a liaison between SPARC and the Sustainable Clubs helping to host and collaborate on events. By tabling monthly, the student in this role personally engages with the 日本一级片 community regularly. Data collection, reporting, and assisting with the 日本一级片 Sustainability website will also be a part of this position. 

Find more sustainability jobs, internships, scholarships, and opportunities on our Sustainability Jobs/Internships Page. This resource is great for current and graduated students!

Green Badge Program Updates

Participate in the Green Badge Program and start earning your badges today! April’s Green Badge is “Water Sustainability.” Learn about the importance of water conservation and how to make changes to your home.

Eight people earned March’s “Climate & Energy” Badge. Way to go!

Green Teams Updates

Congratulations to Student Health and Wellness for reaching the Silver Green Team ranking!

Is your department or office on the Green Team? If not, join a Green Team today! The Green Department Program is for faculty and staff to teach and assist departments and offices to become more sustainable. Green Teams work together to earn points and recognition by implementing change and taking actions outlined in a Green Team checklist. 

Already on the Green Team? Work with your team to start collecting the 日本一级片 Green Badges as a way to motivate you and your colleagues to take personal sustainability actions.

Upcoming Events & Important Dates

Small Electronics Recycling Drive
Wildcat Stores (Weber & Davis)
Monday, April 1 – Tuesday, April 30
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
See Events Calendar

日本一级片 Sustainability Celebration & Awards
Shepherd Union, Ballroom B (room 313)
Wednesday, April 10
1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
See Events Calendar

Sustainability Film: Colorado River in Crisis
Shepherd Union, Wildcat Theater
Thursday, April 11
Noon – 1 p.m.
See Events Calendar

Research & Engagement Symposium
Shepherd Union Ballrooms
Tuesday, April 16
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
See Schedule

Ogden Nature Center Earth Day Fair
966 W. 12th Street
Saturday, April 20
11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Grow Ogden Earth Day Celebration
Eden Street’s Grow Ogden Farm 880 28th Street
(North of the First Presbyterian Church)
Saturday, Apr 20
4 – 5:30 pm
See Events Calendar

Green Move-Out Drop Off Days
Wildcat Village: Stewart Wasatch Hall, Floor 2
University Village: The Community Center
Monday, April 22 – Sunday, April 28
See Events Calendar

News & Resources

Mountain overlooking Weber State will be home to permanent ‘Flaming W’ | 日本一级片 Today