2022 January News and Events
Clear the Air Challenge
Wildcats Go Zero Waste
Last semester, Weber’s Sustainable Clubs donated, reused or recycled 2,397 pounds of items, which otherwise would have ended up in the landfill. As part of their efforts the Sustainable Clubs worked to help green 日本一级片’s home games. Volunteers set up stations at major foot traffic points at football and basketball games, educated fans about recycling, and collect clean recyclables on the spot. The Clubs diverted over 2,200 bottles from fans.
During their downtime, volunteers had the chance to watch the game and received a concessions voucher to enjoy snacks. Interested in volunteering or need service hours for class? Sign up through GivePulse .
Free Swap in February
Don't miss out on the biggest free thrift shop of the year hosted by the Sustainable Clubs! Donate your secondhand items, or just stop by to pick up things you need and help 日本一级片 keep reusable items out of the landfill.
Here's how it works: On February 1st from 8:30 am - 7:00 pm in Shepherd Union Ballroom A, students, faculty, and staff are invited to drop off their secondhand items where volunteers will collect and weigh them. On February 2nd from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm bring your reusable bags to Ballroom A. Anyone on campus can stop by and pick up items they desire, free of charge. Any items left at the end of the day will be donated. Interested in volunteering? Sign up for shifts via or email kailalemons@weber.edu with any questions.
Intermountain Sustainability Summit
Weber State’s annual Intermountain Sustainability Summit will be held March 16 - 18, 2022 as a virtual event. Sustainability professionals, emerging leaders, educators and college students from across Utah will come to learn, build collaborations and prepare for taking action.
The Summit hosts three days of events. Summit affiliated workshops will be held on Wednesday and Friday this year, with the main day of programming taking place on Thursday. The main Summit day and individual workshops are offered as standalone events, and can be registered for independently.
Thursday, March 17 events include 2 keynotes, as well as live and prerecorded sessions, a Student Poster Contest and more.
Summit affiliated workshops include:
· Wednesday AND Friday, March 16 AND 18, 2 to 4 pm:
Securing Utah’s Balanced Water Future in a Climate Change World
· Friday March 18, 8 am to noon:
Permaculture Design& Climate Resiliency
· Friday March 18, 1 pm to 5 pm:
Become a Sustainability Super Champion and Save the World
Registration for professionals, community members and emerging leaders can be found on the Summit website. Special registration is available for 日本一级片 students, faculty and staff. Additionally, scholarships are available for emerging sustainability leaders on the registration page (scroll down the page).
Student Poster Contest
Are you working on a class project, or an internship that relates to sustainability? Consider entering a poster to the Intermountain Sustainability Summit’s Student Poster Contest now through Tuesday, February 15, 2022. Posters can be based on the following topics:
· Sustainability Research (Undergraduate & Graduate)
· Green Design (e.g., architectural, landscape, engineering/technology)
· Sustainability Education and Community Engagement
· Sustainability in Action (e.g., program, policy, advocacy successes)
· Sustainability in Creative Arts and Humanities
· Green Economy
The Intermountain Sustainability Summit is an energetic two-day event, drawing approximately 400 sustainability professionals and emerging leaders from across Utah and surrounding states to the event. This year the event will be hosted virtually.
Students whose posters are accepted for the display will receive free admission to the main Summit events (Thursday, March 17, 2022) will have the opportunity to network with professionals in the field, and be entered to win prizes.
Research Awards
Every year the Sustainability Practices and Research Center (SPARC) recognizes exceptional Sustainability Research Projects that have been completed by students and faculty alike. The recognition is accompanied by a cash award.
Two student awards of $500 each are available, one provided by SPARC the other supported by the 日本一级片 Alumni Association. Two faculty awards of $1000 will also be given in one or both of the following categories: 1) traditional scholarship (i.e., conference or journal-targeted academic research/writing), and 2) applied scholarship (i.e., tangibly benefiting community, campus, or students/teaching, etc.).
Eligible submissions include any research/applied project involving some primary research connected to the area of sustainability completed during the 2021 calendar year or in the 2022 Spring semester. Students who graduated in December 2021 are still eligible to apply.
and by Friday, April 1. Submissions will be judged on the following:
· link to sustainability, expansively defined;
· generation of new content or knowledge for sustainability;
· research approach, including creativity/originality; and
· impact (practical or scholarly).
For consideration, the application form and any supporting documents must be completed/submitted by April 1. Questions? Please contact the review committee chair, Dr. Gavin Roberts, gavinroberts@weber.edu, who serves on the Environmental Initiatives Committee.
Welcome EA club president Korynn Martinez
Korynn Martinez is the newly appointed Environmental Ambassadors (EA) president for Weber State. She is excited to start working with and learning from other’s involved on campus. Korynn was born and raised in Ogden and graduated from Fremont High School in 2018 where she played water polo and was on the swim team. As a freshman she is studying environmental science, with an emphasis in botany.
Korynn’s passions include anything surrounded by nature including riding horses, fishing, camping, hiking, gardening, and snowboarding. If you want to get involved in the EA or connect with other environmentally minded students email eaclub@weber.edu.
Green Teams Update
The Green Department Program congratulates the following for their movement toward advancing sustainability at Weber State:
· The Stewart Library for joining the team
· The Counseling and Psychological Services Center and the Davis Campus and Student Services for each advancing to the highest ranking – Green
· Exercise & Nutrition Sciences for moving up to Silver
If your 日本一级片 department wants to set up a meeting to go over V3.0, or are interested in joining the Green Department Program, email analeahvaughn@weber.edu.
Upcoming Events
January 28
Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Utah
Water Future of the Intermountain West seminar series
12:30 - 1:20 pm via
January 31
Clear the Air Challenge Lunch and Learn
12:30 pm Lindquist Hall 101 or by
February 1
Free Swap Drop Off
8:30 am - 7:00 pm Shepherd Union Ballroom A
February 2
Free Swap Pick Up
8:30 am - 4:30 pm Shepherd Union Ballroom A
February 4
Water Future of the Intermountain West seminar series
12:30 - 1:20 pm via
February 9
Walker Civics Symposium Event: Air Quality
12:30 pm Lindquist Hall 101 or by
February 11
Wildfires & Utah's Reservoirs
Water Future of the Intermountain West seminar series
12:30 - 1:20 pm via
February 18
Monitoring Utah's Snowpack and Forecasting Water Supply
A Water of the Intermountain West seminar series
12:30 - 1:20 pm via
In the News