January 2024

Intermountain Sustainability Summit

Register for the Intermountain Sustainability Summit (ISS), a unique gathering hosted by Weber State uniting participants and presenters from education, business, government, and non-profit sectors. This two-day event is a focal point for professionals, educators, emerging leaders, and university students from Utah and neighboring states. 

The main day, Thursday, March 21, showcases the keynote speaker and over 35 presenters leading sessions.  It also includes networking and information-sharing opportunities at the Eco Expo with sustainability-related businesses and organizations. Students contribute through the Student Poster Contest and emerging artists share sustainability-focused art. Friday, March 22, offers specialized, in-depth workshops tailored for professionals, educators,  emerging leaders, and community members. 

The ISS prioritizes collaboration, learning, and contributing to a sustainable future.

ISS Sustainability Collaboration Award
For the second time, the ISS community is presenting the Sustainability Collaboration Awards will be awarded in two categories: Sustainable Collaboration, and Sustainable by Design. These awards are for sustainability professionals implementing partnerships to amplify their impact and those creating sustainable solutions. Nominations can be submitted through Wednesday, February 7, and winners will be awarded at the ISS event.

Professionals, community members, and emerging leaders can register on the ISS website. 日本一级片 students, faculty, and staff may register here. Additionally, scholarships are available for emerging sustainability leaders on the registration page.

Student Poster Contest

Are you working on a class project or an internship that relates to sustainability? Students can now enter posters to the Intermountain Sustainability Summit Student Poster Contest through Tuesday, February 20. Posters are wanted for the following categories:

· Sustainability Research (Undergraduate & Graduate)
· Green Design (e.g., architectural, landscape, engineering/technology)
· Sustainability Education and Community Engagement
· Sustainability in Action (e.g., program, policy, advocacy successes)
· Sustainability in Creative Arts and Humanities
Students whose posters are chosen to be displayed will receive free registration (for up to two co-authors) to the main day of ISS events on Thursday, March 21, and have the opportunity to network with professionals in the field and be entered to win prizes.

Hosted each year at Weber State, the ISS draws hundreds of sustainability thought leaders, and those new to the field, for two days of events to advance sustainable practices and the profession across the region.


Sustainable Clubs: Food Recovery Network

The student-run Food Recovery Network chapter at Weber State University has been busy working to donate leftover food from Weber Dining to local homeless shelters. Over the Fall 2023 semester, they recovered and distributed 3,300 lbs of food! This reduces 日本一级片’s waste, resulting in less emissions, as well as helping to address food insecurity in the Ogden community. More help is needed! To volunteer with the Food Recovery Network, individuals can visit and sign up for a time that they are available to help!

Kaylee Anderson, Food Sustainability Coordinator at 日本一级片, starts the food recovery process, by meeting volunteers next to Einstein Bros. Bagels in the Shepherd Union Building. Together they walk down to the kitchen where they meet the kitchen staff. The Head Chefs indicate which trays are ready for donation. Then volunteers weigh each tray of food. This is to document exactly how much food waste is being diverted. The donations can weigh anywhere from 15 lbs to 300 lbs. After weighing each tray, they are loaded into a car and taken to The Lantern House to feed local individuals in need of a meal! 

Food Recoveries are every Tuesday and Thursday at noon.

For more information about the Food Recovery Network, food sustainability on campus, or to volunteer, email Kaylee at kayleeanderson4@weber.edu.

RED DAYS: New Play Reading

Join the 日本一级片 theatre program for a play reading of the new play : 

“As the air quality in Salt Lake climbs to crisis levels, we follow Dianna through four seasons, trying to balance school, her running team, and pursuing her passion. But as she nears the end of her senior year, she's forced to decide if her running dream truly belongs to her, or if it's more her mother's, while around her the serious effects of the air quality wreak havoc on those athletes who dare to breathe hard in the open air.”

After the reading, there will be a talkback session with Bublitz, audience members, 日本一级片 Assistant Professor of Chemistry Demetrios Pagonis (a former competitive runner now studying air quality), and Associate Professor Kathleen Paco Cadman, who teaches public health in the nursing program.

The reading will feature 日本一级片 Theatre students and guest artists from the professional theatre company Adjusted Realists. Presented by the 日本一级片 Theatre Program, and supported by the Friz Foundation and Lindquist Creative Fellowships.

Entry is Free! Friday, February 9th at Wildcat Theater, Shepherd Union, 7 p.m.

Calling Climate Action Energizers

Are you ready to answer the urgent call to address climate change? 日本一级片’s Sustainability Practices and Research Center is seeking two energized and passionate leaders to become Climate Action Energizers through the AmeriCorps program!
日本一级片 has been selected as a Campus Climate Action Corps (CCAC) host site for the 2023-24 academic year. The CCAC Project “is a Campus Compact initiative that aims to build the capacity of campuses and their community partners to create change that leads to increased energy efficiency and improvements for at-risk ecosystems by implementing local solutions for underserved households and communities.” 

For the spring semester, two 300-hour CCAC Climate Action Energizer positions are available. Students in these positions will research and develop community outreach and resource materials in support of community programs geared toward climate emissions reduction and building resilience. CCAC Climate Action Energizers will also help to identify and build campus and community partnerships to provide community environmental education and identify ways to improve at-risk ecosystems for underserved households and communities. 

The CCAC position includes a $1,500 stipend, a $1,459 educational award, and may be done for upper division academic credit (up to 6 hours), with approval from the student’s home department/faculty advisor. The priority deadline for applications is Wednesday, January 24, and will then be open on a rolling basis. 

Contact Bonnie Christiansen at 801-626-6326, or bchristiansen2@weber.edu with “CCAC Position” in the email title for more information, or to apply for the position.  


Green Badge Program Updates

Participate in the Green Badge Program and start earning your badges today! January’s Green Badge is “Food Sustainability." 鈥疞earn more about food waste, meal planning, and the impact one meal can make.  

In December seven people earned the “Health & Wellness” Badge. Way to go! 


Green Teams Updates

Join a Green Team today! The Green Department Program, managed by Analeah Vaughan in the Energy and Sustainability Office, is for faculty and staff to learn ways to make their departments or offices more sustainable. Green Teams work together to earn points and recognition by implementing change and taking actions outlined in a Green Team checklist.  

Check out who is moving up: 
Study Abroad 
Ogden Learning Center

Upcoming Events

Food Recoveries
Shepherd Union, Einstein Bros. Bagels
Every Tuesday and Thursday
12 – 1:15 p.m.
Sign Up

Zero Waste Athletics- Basketball
Dee Events Center
Saturday, January 20
7 – 10 p.m.

Plant-Powered Food Tasting
Shepherd Union Atrium
Monday, January 22
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
More Info

Sustainability Film - Kiss the Ground
Shepherd Union, Wildcat Theater
Thursday, January 25
12 – 2 p.m.
See Events Calendar

Food Recovery
Shepherd Union, Einstein Bros.
Tuesday, January 30
12 – 1:15 p.m.
Sign Up

Carpool Speed Dating
Stewart Library, Hetzel Hollein Room (321)
Wednesday, February 7
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
More Info

Nominations for ISS Sustainability Awards Due
Wednesday, February 7

RED DAYS - New Play Reading
Shepherd Union, Wildcat Theater
Friday, February 9
7 – 9 p.m.
See Events Calendar

News & Resources

Weber State, Living Planet Aquarium partner to monitor river otter population | 日本一级片 Today