Welcome to the January 日本一级片 Sustainability Newsletter!
Film Screening on Native Alaskans and Climate Change
The Environmental Initiatives Committee, in collaboration with the 日本一级片 American Indian Club, the Anthropology Student Club and Sustainable Practices and Research Center, will present the documentary film We Are All Related Here on Wednesday, January 23rd at noon in the Wildcat Theater, Shepherd Union Building. The film chronicles the impact of climate change on an Inuit village in northern Alaska. The film "tells the story of the Yup'ik people of Newtok, Alaska, who are being forced to relocate to their village due to the erosion and flooding they are experiencing as a result of global warming", making them among America's first climate refugees . This is free and open to the public.
Lindquist Hall Grand Opening Celebrates Sustainability
The three-story grand entry on the building’s east side was packed with a cheering crowd when officials cut the ribbon on the newly completed renovation of Lindquist Hall on January 7th.
Campus community members joined students to explore the four-story building, which houses 34 classrooms, 72 offices, multiple study spaces as well as research and computer labs. The 119,322-square-foot building was renovated at a cost of $34,940,000 and energy managers are anticipating the new building to cost 70% less than the old building.
The massive renovation began in April 2017. The old structure was stripped to its reinforced concrete frame and foundation. A structural analysis determined that keeping “the bones” of the building would save about $50 to $60 per square foot, or $5 million to $6 million overall, while also reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing and installing new steel and concrete.
“We used the existing bones and injected new life with better architecture to create a better experience,” said Chad Downs project manager. “We’ve done all the things we love to do, making the building brighter and more accessible, with tall ceilings, faster internet, and better electrical, heating, ventilation and cooling. It’s really cool what we’ve been able to do.”
Lindquist Hall was designed and built with the goal of earning a LEED Gold rating for energy efficiency. A massive geothermal field, consisting of 150 wells drilled 425 feet deep into the northwest part of campus, supplements the building’s heating and cooling. Additionally, construction will begin this spring on a solar covered parking lot over the W10 lot. The solar project will be finished and operations by fall 2019. This solar will be attributed to the Lindquist building to help with LEED certification. The building, without the ground source and solar, is about 35-40% more efficient than current building code. With the ground source and solar, Lindquist will be 80% more efficient than code.
Formerly known as Social Science, the renovated building was renamed in honor of the Lindquist family. John E. Lindquist, Ogden business leader and philanthropist, donated $5 million dollars to the project.
Additional funding for the building came from the Utah State Legislature. The Legislature approved $14 million for construction in 2017; an additional $16 million was allocated in 2018.
Intermountain Sustainability Summit - Seeking Student Posters
Are you working on a class project, or an internship that relates to sustainability? Consider entering a poster to the Intermountain Sustainability Summit’s Student Poster Contest by Friday, February 15. Posters can be based on the following topics:
• Sustainability Research (Undergraduate & Graduate)
• Green Design (e.g., architectural, landscape, engineering/technology)
• Sustainability Education & Community Engagement, Sustainability in Action (e.g., program, policy, advocacy successes)
• Sustainability in Creative Arts & Humanities
The Intermountain Sustainability Summit is a an energetic two day event, drawing approximately 400 sustainability professionals and emerging leaders from across Utah and surrounding states to the Weber State Campus.
Students whose posters are accepted for display will have the opportunity to network with professionals in the field, receive free admission to the main Summit events (Thursday, March 21), and be entered to win cash-card prizes.
Great Salt Lake and Society Seminar Series Underway
Every Friday this semester at 12:30 in Tracy Hall 102, anyone is welcome to drop in to the Great Salt Lake and Society Seminar Series, coordinated by Drs. Carie Frantz and Carla Trentelman. Make this a lunch and learn event as you hear from from regional experts who will explore how geology, chemistry, and ecosystems influence our local environment, health, and society. Upcoming presentations are:
Jan. 25- Great Salt Lake and Air Quality on the Wasatch Front presented by Michael Goodman, Brigham Young University
Feb. 1- Great Salt Lake Management and Policy presented by Laura Ault and Laura Vernon, Utah Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands
Feb. 8- Great Salt Lake as a Living Laboratory presented by Dr. Bonnie Baxter, Great Salt Lake Institute, Westminster University
April 12- Great Salt Lake Field Trip at Antelope Island State Park, 12:30-5 p.m. Meet in lot A2. RSVP with Dr. Carie Frantz by January 25th at cariefrantz@weber.edu.
Stay tuned for additional seminars each day of the week with thought-provoking speakers!
The Rights of Nature: Film Screening and Discussion
There is a growing movement that is exploring the rights of nature and how society can change laws and mindsets to recognize them. Hal Crimmel, Weber State English Professor, captured stories of this burgeoning movement with co-directors Maria Valeria Berros, and Isaac Goeckeritz in the film
Come enjoy a free screening of the film on Wednesday, February 20 at 7 p.m. in the Dumke Hall at Weber State University. After the film Crimmel, and special guests Kirsti Luke the Chief Executive of Tuhoe Te Uru Taumatua, Ngai Tuhoe’s Tribal Authority of New Zealand (NZ), and Hon Chris Finlayson, Former New Zealand Attorney General, and Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations will host a discussion about how partnerships between the Maori and the government of New Zealand have led to personhood status for rivers, lakes and forests, and a renewed sense of balance between people and nature.
Additional events with Crimmel, Luke, and Finlayson will be taking place the week of February 19 – 22. Check the events calendar for more events.
Sustainability Research Awards Submission
Each year the Sustainability Practices and Research Center recognizes exceptional sustainability research projects completed by both faculty and students through cash awards. Two $500 awards are available for faculty in traditional and/or applied research and two $500 awards are available for students. One of the student awards is sponsored by the 日本一级片 Alumni Association.
Eligible submissions include any research project involving some primary research completed during this calendar year (2018) or Spring 2019 in the area of sustainability. Students who completed projects in conjunction with faculty research may apply, but the role and work of the student must be clearly explained.
Both student and faculty winners will be selected by a review committee made up of members of the 日本一级片 Faculty Senate Environmental Initiatives Committee. Submissions will be judged on their link with sustainability objectives, outcomes and impact (practical or scholarly), and creativity/originality.
For consideration, the submission form (for faculty, for students) must be completed, and all submission documents/information must be emailed to Dr. Christy Call, Ccall2@weber.edu, Environmental Issues Committee, by March 1, 2019.
Clear the Air Challenge: Coming February 2019!
Gear up students, faculty, and staff! Weber State University is signing up to compete against the University of Utah in the state-wide Clear the Air Challenge during the month of February 2019. Last year, students, faculty, and staff competed in six teams to win prizes and earn Wellness and Green Team points in the 日本一级片 internal challenges. Last year 日本一级片 overall saved over 8.9 tons of CO2, traveled over 32,000 miles, and for the first time ever awarded the “Weber State Students” division first place in our internal challenge! By participating in the Clear the Air Challenge, “Team Weber” is actively helping to limit the health harming PM2.5 emissions during a time when the inversion traps such pollution along the Wasatch front. Help “Team Weber” Clear the Air during the month of February and take down the University of Utah!
Faculty and Staff Lunch and Learn: Clear the Air Challenge Kick Off!
Attend Clear the Air Training sessions to sign up for the challenge! Register for the Lunch and Learn session on Training Tracker in your eWeber portal using code #810-03 on Friday, January 25th at 11:30 a.m. in Lindquist Hall 101.
During this unique lunch and learn presentation, Employee Wellness will partner with Energy and Sustainability to explain the ins and outs of the Clear the Air Challenge. A light meal will be provided.
All divisions are encouraged to participate in this state-wide challenge. Not only will Weber State University compete against other businesses and individuals throughout the state, each division will be working to earn Sustainability's "Cleanest" division award.
Attendance at three monthly challenges will earn you $20 through the Wellness Pays Rewards program.
Additional sessions not included in the Lunch and Learn series include Wednesday, January 30th from 2-3 p.m. or Thursday, January the 31st from 10-11 a.m. Both are held in Elizabeth Hall 214, register through Training Tracker #830-11.
Green Teams can receive 1 point for having 25% of your office participate in a sustainability-related event, 2 if 50% participate, 3 if 75% participate and 4 for 100%. To obtain your points simply attend the event, have a great time, and email a list of those that attended to kaylahickman@weber.edu
Green Department Version 2.1 Officially Launched
Welcome back green teams! With the New Year we are officially launching off Version 2.1 of the Green Department Program. All new teams joining the Green Department Program will utilize the version 2.1 checklist which is now available on our website.
What does this mean for you existing green teams? This means that all green teams will be transitioned over to 2.1. The changes are not too drastic, which is why it is version 2.1 instead of 3. The points for certification have not changed. The biggest changes are the additional opportunities for points and the amount of points teams will receive for achieving certain goals.
College of Social & Behavioral Science: First Green Certified College!
With all departments within the college at least bronze certified in the Green Department Program, the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences (CSBS) has become the first green certified college. This was no easy task with coordinating sustainability efforts between 10 departments and almost 100 staff & faculty. With the recruitment efforts of the History Department and Anthropology & Sociology Department all the departments joined the program and charged full speed towards certification.
The whole college will be honored in the new Lindquist Hall on February 1st for lunch and will be presented with a special plaque to honor their hard work. Please congratulate the College of Social & Behavioral Science and ask their advice on how you can recruit your whole college too!
Glass Recycling Dumpster
The location of the glass dumpster in Ogden has permanently changed due to lack of space at Stewart Stadium. It is now located at the Dee Event Center. This may not affect how you recycle glass in your office because our office still offers pick-up service for glass recycling. However, if you use this dumpster for your personal glass recycling make sure you go to the Dee Event Center moving forward. Below is a university map which notates the exact location.
Green Department Certification Update
The Energy & Sustainability Office is proud to announce the following departments have recently achieved certification (since December 2018):
Bachelors of Integrated Studies
Campus Recreation
Please congratulate your colleagues on their green achievements!
Get on the Green Team
If you are interested in getting your office or department involved in the Green Certification Program contact Kayla Hickman at kaylahickman@weber.edu or visit /sustainability/GreenDept.html. The purpose of the Green Department Program is to engage 日本一级片 offices and departments in the work of making the entire university more sustainable and carbon neutral. The program is voluntary and competitive. Participating departments acquire points through sustainable practices. The number of points achieved determines certification at the bronze, silver, gold, or green levels.