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CS 4800 Individual Projects and Research.

The purpose of this course is to permit Computer Science majors to develop an individual project, program, system, or research paper, with coordination and approval of a faculty mentor. The final grade and amount of credit awarded will be determined by the department, depending on the complexity of the upper-division work performed 




To be approved to register, please send responses to the following questions via email to the faculty assigned to the course the semester you plan to take the course.

Name and W#




Justification: Why does the student want to do what is proposed and what rationale can be given for why it ought to be done? (Justify upper division CS credit.) 





This course is part of a group of courses which are restricted in the number of combined credit hours. The policy defined by the Computer Science faculty is that “CS 4800, CS 4850, or CS 4890 may be taken for a maximum of 4 credit hours total for each course. The three courses combined may not exceed 6 credit hours.”. 

How many credits have you taken previously of the following courses: 

CS 4800: ____________ 

CS 4850: ____________ 

CS 4890: ____________