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CS 4890 Cooperative Work Experience

The purpose of this course is to permit Computer Science majors who are currently working in a computer related job or internship to receive academic credit for their work, with coordination and approval of a faculty mentor and their supervisor. 




To be approved to register, please send responses to the following questions via email to the faculty assigned to the course the semester you plan to take the course.









How many credit hours will I receive for this course?

The amount of upper-division credit awarded will be determined by the department, depending on the nature and quantity of work performed. In general, it follows this table.

  • 1 Credit hour = 5 hours per week 
  • 2 Credit hours = 10 hours per week 
  • 3 Credit hours = 15 hours per week 
  • 4 Credit hours = 20 hours per week

What are the prerequisites for this course?

Prerequisite: CS 2420

How long does the internship/job need to run?

The internship or job must run the entire length of the semester you registered.

Can I get credit for a previous internship/job?

The internship or job must be worked during the semester credit is received (it is not retroactive for a previous internship).

Does this count towards my CS degree?

It depends. Please ask an advisor if this course will count for you specifically.

Students obtaining a regular CS bachelor's degree can only slot 4800/4860/4890 as an upper division elective in the Other Upper Division Electives section, and not in the 6-8 hour CS Upper Division Electives section. (Note that more recent CS catalog years will put the first 2 hours of 4890 into an explicit 4890 slot before Other Upper Division Electives. 

Students declared in the CS Customized degree (only available for those pursuing a minor, dual major, or second bachelor's degree) cannot apply CS 4800/4850/4890 to their elective section.

Note that if you need to simply fill the 40 hour university upper division requirement, then CS 4800/4850/4890 can help there. 

If you are unable to find an internship, please reach out to the instructor who is teaching the CS 4890 course with the following information:

1. Send an email the instructor over CS 4890, including your name and W#.

2. Provide a detailed list of the steps that you have taken to find an internship or job. Include the companies and organizations to which you have applied for a job or internship.

3. Include your anticipated semester for graduation

It is expected that students will have met with the Employment and Internship Advisor for the college, and have put significant effort into finding an internship. The CS 4890 instructor will work with you to approve CS 4800 as an alternative as appropriate.