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Reintroduce Yourself to the Work World

Give impostor syndrome the boot. Find your fit in the workplace with this seven-week training and mentoring program by earning this microcredential. You'll identify your strengths, familiarize yourself with digital work platforms, fine-tune your resume, explore the gig economy and more. This course enables you to prove to employers that you're ready to join the workforce.

Program Highlights


Learn about new workforce options such as flex shifts and remote work. Explore entrepreneurship and small-business resources. Translate existing skill sets into in-demand skills.

Easily Applied

Become familiar with common workforce platforms, tools and applications. Practice interviewing, and complete a resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile.


Develop emotional intelligence. Identify networking strategies, associations and groups. Build professional relationships.

Program Details

Course Tuition

Thanks to a generous grant from the Learn & Work in Utah Initiative, tuition for this program is only $25.

Flexible Format

Join us in-person at the Community Education Center or online via Zoom for your convenience.

Skills/Interest Assessment

Use the CliftonStrengths Assessment, the Department of Workforce Services' Interest Profiler and an Intercultural Intelligence assessment to determine your unique skill sets and interests.

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