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How To Display

After meeting the requirements for earning a microcredential, you will be able to add the URL for your completed microcredential to social media channels. You can display the graphic for potential employers and link to the projects that prove your competency.

For example, here's how to display your microcredential on LinkedIn: 

1. When in your LinkedIn account, go to Me in the upper righthand corner and click on View Profile.

2. Next, click on Add Profile Section.

3. Scroll down to Recommended, and click on Add Featured.

4. Click on the + sign and then on Add a Link.

5. Copy the URL from your digital microcredential. (Make sure it has your name in the URL so it links to your microcredential.)

6. Paste the URL into the link box and click on Add.

7. Add a description if desired and then click on Save.