Scholarships for New International Students
The International Office may award scholarships based on your grade profile.
High school grade point average will be converted to a "grade profile" number on a scale based on the unique grading system used in each country.
Transfer students will use their transfer GPA to determine academic scholarship qualification.
Louis F. Moench Scholarship
- Scale: 60-100 OR 3.2+ cumulative transfer GPA
- $8,000 per year
- $32,000 total value over 4 years
H. Aldous Dixon Scholarship
- Scale: 40-59 OR 3.0 cumulative transfer GPA
- $6,000 per year
- $24,000 total value over 4 years
Aaron W. Tracy Scholarhip
- Scale: 20-39 OR 2.8 cumulative transfer GPA
- $5,000 per year
- $20,000 total value over 4 years
William P. Miller Scholarship
- Scale: 10-19 OR 2.6 cumulative transfer GPA
- $4,000 per year
- $16,000 total value over 4 years
Four-year award (8 semesters). Students must take 12 credit hours per semester and maintain a 2.5 日本一级片 cumulative GPA to continue to recieve their award.