2024-2025 Supplemental Financial Aid Forms

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  • Financial Aid & Scholarship Petition Process: Students who fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards may petition for an exception from SAP requirements due to extenuating circumstances.
  • : You must have a 2024-2025 Financial Aid award before completing this form. This form is required to make or request a change to your Stafford loan amount.  This form must have a physical signature (blue or black ink allowed) or be DocuSigned.
  • : You must be a graduate student and have a Financial Aid award before completing this form. This form is to request additional loans beyond your Stafford loan amount. Please fill out this form at 
  • You must have a Financial Aid award before completing this form. This is for a parent to request additional loans for a dependent student. Please fill out this form at 

Alphabetical List

  • Complete and submit this form when there has been a change in your marital status after completing the 2024-25 FAFSA. Additional documents will be required. These documents are listed on this form. Consideration requires meeting with a Financial Aid advisor.
  • Consortium Agreement: This form is for students who are attending more than one Utah school during the same semester.  It must be signed by both schools.
  • : This form is required if you cannot answer "yes" to any of the status questions on the FAFSA (Step 3), and you have extraordinary circumstances. Consideration requires meeting one-on-one with a Financial Aid advisor.
  • : This form is for your pareent to verify that they will not be providing income information to complete your FAFSA.
  • Financial Aid & Scholarship Petition Process: Students who fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards may petition for an exception from SAP requirements due to extenuating circumstances.
  • This form is for students in loan default who have been identified by the government to qualify for Fresh Start.  See the Financial Aid office before filling this out.
  • :  This form is for students who would like to release their federal tax information data to another person.  This must be done every time data is to be released.
  • : You must be a graduate student and have a Financial Aid award before completing this form. This form is to request additional loans beyond your Stafford loan amount. Please fill out this form at 
  • : This form is to verify the members of your household and who in your household is attending college.
  • : This form is to verify the members of your household and who in your household is attending college.
  • This form is used to verify the student's identity and educational purpose. It is only required if requested by the 日本一级片 Financial Aid and Scholarships department.  This form must be filled out in person at the 日本一级片 Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.
  • This form is used to verify the student's identity and educational purpose. It is only required if requested by the 日本一级片 Financial Aid and Scholarships department.  This form must be filled out in person at the 日本一级片 Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.
  • This form is used to verify the student's identity and educational purpose. It is only required if requested by the 日本一级片 Financial Aid and Scholarships department. This form requires a Notary's signature and can be used if you are unable to visit the 日本一级片 campus in person. Only the original document can be accepted (no faxes or photo copies please).
  • This form is used to verify the student's identity and educational purpose. It is only required if requested by the 日本一级片 Financial Aid and Scholarships department. This form requires a Notary's signature and can be used if you are unable to visit the 日本一级片 campus in person. Only the original document can be accepted (no faxes or photo copies please).
  • : This form is for students attending with late start dates. Federal regulations require that we calculate how much of your aid must be returned assuming you will not stay enrolled in any classes that have not started yet. However, if you return this 'Intent to Enroll Confirmation' we can confirm if you still qualify for all or part of your financial aid for the current term.
  •   You must have a 2024-2025 Financial Aid award before completing this form. This form is required to make or request a change to your Stafford loan amount.   This form must have a physical signature (blue or black ink allowed) or be DocuSigned. 
  • : This form is required if you applied as a dependent student and your parents did not file, or were not required to file, a Federal Income Tax Return.
  • : This form is required if you did not file, or were not required to file, a Federal Income Tax Return.
  • You must have a Financial Aid award before completing this form. This is for a parent to request additional loans for a dependent student. Please fill out this form at 
  • : This form is required if you have already earned a degree while attending a college or university and you want to pursue a second degree.
  • This form is required to be submitted annually by current peace officers who would like to advance in their career by completing a qualifying degree. 
  • : This form can be used when a repeated course is required for a degree.
  • : Complete this form to request that an Academic Scholarship be held for a period.
  • Consideration for Special Circumstance requires meeting one-on-one with a Financial Aid advisor. This form is required if you are a dependent student whose parents financial circumstances have changed.
  •  Consideration for a Special Circumstance requires meeting one-on-one with a Financial Aid advisor. This form is required if you are an independent student whose financial circumstances have changed.
  • : In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), this form can be used as a written consent allowing a third party to gain access to specific information.
  •  This form is to be submitted each year a Computer Science student receives the Talent Development Grant.
  • : Use this form when reporting low income or benefit information for students, spouses or parents of dependent students.