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Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Vision and Mission

Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing Vision Statement

The Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing will prepare nurses to be leaders and life-long learners who are passionately engaged in caring for all populations and transforming healthcare in local and global communities.

Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing Mission Statement

The mission of the Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing is to prepare exceptional nursing professionals with the ability to care and advocate for the evolving needs of individuals, families, and society. We collaborate with our partners to provide an education that values one another and community-centered health promotion.

Core Values

Weber State University Core Values

The Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing acknowledges the value of both the mission and vision of Weber State University. The Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing has used the core values, set forth by Weber State University, in creating this strategic plan. The following core values will be incorporated in all aspects of nursing education:

  • Person-Center Care
  • Student-Centered Education
  • Integrity
  • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Community Engagement
  • Professionalism

Weber State University Core Values

Learning Through Personalized Experiences and Shared Inquiry

Currently in the process of implementation are the following:

  • Curricula and delivery methods designed to meet the needs of our changing health care system and our growing student population
  • Graduate Programs to prepare students to enter doctoral education and/or advance practice roles
  • Multi-disciplinary learning environment’s that foster critical thinking and prepare students to meet a variety of patients 
  • Curriculum updates to foster knowledge and promote clinical reasoning in the academic and patient care environment
  • Completion of a state of the art simulation lab to enhance advanced application of outcomes

Future Goals:

  • Increase undergraduate research
  • Implement standardized patients for the Family Nurse Practioner Program
  • On-going curriculum revisions to meet the challenges and demands the profession of nursing will face through the next decade and beyond

Engagement in Community

Currently in the process of implementation are the following initiatives:

  • Fostering of educational partnerships which provide unique learning opportunities for nursing students, especially in the areas of home health, geriatrics, and mental health
  • Collaboration with Applied Technology Colleges to enable educational opportunities for the advancement of nursing education
  • Responding to the community need to increase the number of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) graduates to meet the standard put forth in the Future of Nursing Report (2010) of having 80% of the RN working force be BSN prepared by the year 2020
  • Actively seeks input and partnerships through the inclusion of a community Advisory Board to act as advisors to the Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing

Future Goals:

  • Increase student and faculty participation in local community events to promote the profession of nursing
  • Respond to the need within the community to increase nursing graduates that reflect the patient population
  • Expand student enrollment opportunities for the graduate level student in the rural areas and in the neighboring states

Access and Opportunity

Currently in the process of implementation are the following initiatives:

  • Meeting the demand for entry level practice for bachelor prepared nurses by expanding the BSN program through critically examined methods
  • Analytical reflection of face to face, hybrid, and online courses and programs that provide education to a variety of adult learning styles
  • Informative preparation for higher education by adhering to the 日本一级片 Career Ladder Model

Future Goals:

  • Address the demands and future challenges of nursing education as they arise
  • Use proven strategies to encourage students to increase life-long learning post-graduation
  • Increase donor awareness of the Strategic Plan
  • Seek cooperative partners whose resources will enhance the Annie Taylor Dee School of nursing program outcomes
  • Continue to explore student enrollment opportunities that include rural areas and neighboring states where limited undergraduate and graduate programs exist

Access, Learning, Community

Respect for People and Ideas

Currently in the process of implementation are the following initiatives:

  • A collegial environment which promotes and recognizes scholarly work
  • Implementation of multi-disciplinary learning environment which includes other health care disciplines within the Dumke College of Health Professions
  • Creating awareness of others and how this awareness benefits the university, the college, the Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing, and the community

Future Goals:

  • Explore and advance faculty development workshops that highlight faculty interest and expertise
  • Development of partnerships that enrich faculty knowledge of consumer circumstances and global health disparities

Nurturing the Potential within every Individual

Currently in the process of implementation are the following initiatives:

  • Promotion and retention of outstanding faculty
  • Recruitment and nurturing of high-achieving students from all backgrounds
  • Development of interdisciplinary activities which broaden the nursing student’s nurturing abilities and perspective of safe patient care
  • On-going evaluation of learning activities that promote and expand student success

Future Goals:

  • Student workshops which showcase nursing in a global context and health issues relevant to the future
  • A plan for application of evidence based nursing research which disseminates the results of the scholarly work conducted by faculty
  • Development of interdisciplinary activities that broaden the nursing student’s perspective of patient care