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National Advisory Council

The president offers invitations to 日本一级片 alumni and friends to serve on the National Advisory Council. The group serves as an independent sounding board, and provides guidance on strategic issues, feedback from the community, expertise on projects or programs, assistance in identifying opportunities for the university in key communities, and advocacy for the university in the communities where members live and work.

Mission and Guidelines

Emeritus Members

Bret Alexander
Jane Brewer
Nancy Behnken
Lynn H. Blake
Terry Buckner
Barney Chapman
William H. Child
Bonnie J. Clark
Gary Close
Carl B. Cook
Brian Collet
Lawrence Corry
Gregory Costley
Vicki Cummings-Sorenson
Ron D. Dittemore
Rick F. Fairbanks
Paul Favero
Benjamin Ferney
Jeffrey C. Flamm
Curtis Funk
Kem Gardner
Melvin Green
David Hall
Mary C. Hall
David T. Halversen
Robert T. Heiner

Dee Ward Hock
Jodee Hoellein-Ferree
Joel C. Horne
Preston Jackson
Ralph H. Johnson
Crystal Jones
Judith B. Jones
Kevin M. Kempin
Norma Kier
Joné Law Koford
Tom Kunz
William Scott Lamb
Betty Lamoreaux
Sheryl Laukat
Nancy Lowe
Jeffrey Lund
Brian D. Maynard
Kathy Mower
Jerry Moyes
Cal Murri
Carolyn R. Nebeker Rasmussen
Don Owens
Mario Pellegrini
Jerry H. Petersen
Kenneth A. Randall
Keith Read

William Reagan
John Rhees
Curt Roberts
Catherine Ruskauff
Jamie Lampros Shenefelt
Harris H. Simmons
Bobbi Moench Snow
Mark W. Stromberg
Barbara Lindquist Tanner
Dave Thomas
Phillip Tuckett
Judge Raymond Uno
Byron Wade
Glen Wade
Dick A. Walker
Clair S. Weenig
Howard Wall

Send any updates or suggestions to Director of Government Relations & Special Projects Kade Crittenden at kadecrittenden@weber.edu.