Step 1: Apply to 日本一级片
Apply to .
Weber State University (日本一级片) is an open-enrollment university, you can apply anytime by visiting the link above and following the application steps. Once you are admitted to 日本一级片, you will receive a letter with your W number and can create your e-weber account.
Visit our What's Next page for more information on creating your e-weber account and when/how that account will be useful. METC students, please be aware that you will have additional opportunities for funding then what is listed on that page.
Transfer Student Information
- Fill out the online application
- Pay a $30 nonrefundable application fee
- Submit the following: Official high school transcripts or GED documentation, ACT/SAT scores (not madatory but helps determine general education placement), and transcripts from all college, university, and/or early college.
International transfer students should use the international application.
Send all documents, materials and transcripts to:
Weber State University
School of Radiologic Sciences
attn: Pamela Berg
3891 Stadium Way, Dept 3925
Ogden, UT 84408