Option 2 (Joint Services Transcript):

Through your Joint Services Transcript (JST), the American Council on Education provides colleges and universities with a suggested credit hour and course evaluation for the various types of military training. 

Your own credit recommendations will appear on your JST. Actual credit awarded is solely at the discretion of the college or university.  See this website for more details:   

Your military credit will probably help most when used to fulfill elective credit hour requirements in your degree plan.  To graduate with a bachelor’s degree, the university requires that you graduate with at least 120 credit hours.  Note that some majors may require slightly more.  But, your General Education, major, minor (if required), and other possible requirements will not always add up to 120 credit hours.  That extra credit hour space can be filled with elective hours from your JST. However, not all bachelor degree plans leave space for electives, so elective military credit may not be needed.

Military training may be determined to be equivalent to courses within your major or minor requirements.  This is more likely when your training was related to the major or minor.  In such cases, the department may decide to give specific Weber course credit.  Some departments at Weber State University will be unable to consider ACE credit recommendations for your specific major course requirements due to restrictive accreditation standards for those majors.  

In less common cases, some of your training may qualify for a limited amount of General Education credit.

You will meet with an advisor to discuss the applicability of your military credit to your program of study after your JST has been evaluated.  If you decide to change your program of study later on, you can request a re-evaluation of your JST.


Step 1: Student submits JST to Weber State University through JST Website.  Paper copies brought or mailed to the Records Office will not be accepted.

Step 2:  Student will receive email notification from the Records Office that JST has been received. 
Step 3: Records reviews credit hours and contacts academic departments for possible credit articulations.  Our goal is to be able to review the JST within two weeks of receiving.  However, since this step depends on what is on your JST as well as department feedback, sometimes it may take longer.
Step 4: Based on review, Records puts a note in your online CatTracks degree evaluation which contains the results of JST review (and DD214 review, if applicable). Student and the appropriate academic advisor for the student's program of study will receive an email with the results of this evaluation.  

Step 5: Student contacts and meets with advisor to discuss applicability for credit to program requirements, possible financial aid implications, and other factors that may impact attainment of the student’s educational goals.
Step 6: Advisor puts note in CatTracks addressing the factors listed above, directing the Records Office on which credits should be applied.

Step 7: Student should bring Application for Military Credit form with paid recording fee to the Records Office in order to add credits.   If you've already submitted a previous form for Option 1 (DD214) credit, please sign and bring a second form directly to the Records Office.  You will not need to pay the fee again.

Step 8: Records Office will apply credits as directed by the academic advisor, and put a confirmation note in your CatTracks degree evaluation.