Testing Services Rules
- Government photo identification is required for admission to any Weber State University test. This would include a Wildcat card, current driver license, military identification or passport. An online version of a Utah driver’s license and the 日本一级片 Wildcat Card are also acceptable. It does not include a food handlers permit, high school ID card or workplace identification. Names on the identification must match university records.
Facilitate a Name Change - Backpacks are not allowed in the testing centers. Purses and Laptop computers may be placed under the student's desk and cannot be accessed during the exam.
- The students are only allowed to have items on their desk that are named by their instructor. Purses, wallets, or other sundry items are not allowed on the desk.
- Cell phones must be turned off during an exam. Any use of a cell phone after being admitted to the testing room will result in the immediate termination of the exam.
- Hats are not allowed to be worn by students in the testing room. Hats have been found to hide electronic devices and get in the way of the proctoring process.
- Calculators with a separate alphabetical keyboard in any format are not allowed in the Testing Centers as these calculators are more akin to computers than to other types of calculators. Additionally, NO calculator apparatus are allowed in the testing center, including, but not limited to: calculator lids, cases, docking stations, etc.
- Bathroom breaks are not allowed unless an instructor grants permission for a test over two hours.
- The only talking allowed in the test room must be directed toward a proctor.
- Any issues involving a test's instructions or availability are to be brought up with the instructor. The Testing Center is not a liaison or arbiter between the student and instructor.
- The Testing Center staff may end a student's exam if there are questions that need to be addressed with the student or with the instructor.
- Children are not allowed to accompany a parent into the testing room. We never take custody or responsibility to babysit. This brings liability upon the University. Children in the waiting area are to be attended to at all times, thus students must make prior arrangements to care for their children.
- Any violation to Weber State University's Code of Conduct will be reported to the Dean of Students, as well as the instructor.
- For Chitester exams that allow for Notes and/or Cue Sheets, the Testing Center will collect and dispose of ALL Notes and/or Cue Sheets. However, 日本一级片 faculty may elect, at their discretion, to allow students to keep their notes. For paper exams that allow for Notes and/or Cue Sheets, the testing center will collect and attach notes to the paper exam.
- Watches, of all makes and models, are banned from being worn by any test taker. Watches may be placed in pockets or elsewhere that they will be completely concealed from view and out of the test takers immediate use.
- Any writing found on a students body, while testing, warrants the immediate termination of their exam. NO EXCEPTIONS.
What You Need to Know to Take a Test for Class Faculty Test Procedures & Policies Student Code of Conduct