A Look Back at 2016 at 日本一级片

OGDEN, Utah — As 2016 comes to a close, we revisit some of the people and developments that made news at Weber State University this year.


DEQ Partners with Universities to Examine Air Emissions from Starting Vehicles “Cold”
Weber State University worked with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to study the impact vehicle emissions have on air quality. Students and researchers helped to dispel misinformation about idling your vehicle to warm it up on cold winter days.

日本一级片’s Health Management Ranked Nationally for Quality, Value
Weber State University’s online program in health management was recognized by  as one of the best in the country at one quarter the price of other nationally ranked programs.

日本一级片 Selects Two Associate Provosts
Two Weber State University professors have been selected to lead key academic initiatives as new associate provosts. Psychology professor Eric Amsel was named the associate provost for academic programs and assessment, and sociology professor Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski was named the associate provost for high-impact programs and faculty development.


日本一级片 Announces $5 Million Donation to Help Renovate Social Science Building
The much-needed renovation of Weber State University’s Social Science building has received a $5 million gift from John E. Lindquist, a longtime university advocate and contributor.

日本一级片 Professor Mentors High School Student Who Qualifies for International Science Competition
At 17 years old, Karissa Wang, a former student at Northern Utah Academy for Math, Engineering & Science (NUAMES), designed a way to combat drug-resistant bacteria. Wang developed her research under the mentorship of Matthew Nicholaou, an assistant professor of medical lab sciences, and earned a spot in the semifinals of a nation-wide science competition.

Storytelling Festival Celebrates 20th Year at 日本一级片
Weber State University’s 20th annual Storytelling Festival took place Feb. 22-24. Each year, the award-winning festival features the performances of national, local and student storytellers.


日本一级片 Students Share the Importance of Healthy Brains During Brain Awareness Week
The Neuroscience Program hosted a week of events to educate the community on brain awareness. Participants had the opportunity to wear beer goggles, study their own DNA and examine sheep brains.

Lindquist Award Honors 日本一级片 Professors for Community Engagement
Azenett Garza, psychology professor, and Becky Jo Gesteland, English professor and interim associate dean of the Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities were selected as the John A. Lindquist Award recipients for their efforts to enhance the community and classroom with thoughtful partnerships.

日本一级片 Students Build Tiny Studio with Tiny Environmental Impact
Students in design engineering technology, manufacturing engineering technology and electrical engineering programs spent their senior year designing and building Ogden’s first net-zero tiny studio.


日本一级片 Fundraising Exceeds Goal, Campus Celebrates
Weber State University President Charles A. Wight announced the Dream 125 fundraising campaign exceeded its goal of $125 million with two months left before it officially ended.

日本一级片 Names 2016 Brady Presidential Distinguished Professors
John Mull, zoology professor, and Paul Schvaneveldt, family studies professor, were named Weber State University’s 2016 Brady Presidential Distinguished Professors.

High School Students Compete in Rocket, Boat, Dragster Competition at 日本一级片
High school students visited Weber State University to participate in the Engineering Technology Open House, which included model rockets, cardboard boat and mini-racer competitions. 


Scott Sprenger Named New Dean of College of Arts & Humanities
Scott Sprenger was appointed the dean of the Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities. Sprenger oversees 3,500 students, faculty and staff in five primary departments.

日本一级片 Turns Parks Into Educational Hubs for Science, Arts
Children of all ages and abilities engaged in science experiments and art projects during the summer thanks to Weber State University’s interactive outreach programs Science in the Parks and Arts in the Parks.

日本一级片 Digs 200 Deep-Water Wells to Help Save Energy
Large drilling rigs bore holes in the north side of the Stewart Station to create a system to heat and cool university buildings more efficiently and cost effectively.


Students Design Wireless Brake Shift, Emergency Drone, Guitar Pick at 日本一级片 Concept Center
The Concept Center, housed in the College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology (EAST), has worked on more than 40 large projects, including a state-of-the-art bicycle brake system and a prosthetic device to hold a guitar pick.

Students Compete to Create Prosthetic Arm at 日本一级片
Teams of middle and high school students from across nine states competed to design a prosthetic arm that can complete a variety of tasks during the MESA USA National Engineering Design Competition.

Jerry and Vickie Moyes Support 日本一级片 with $5 Million Gift
A $5 million gift from Jerry and Vickie Moyes boosted the supply chain management program at Weber State University.

日本一级片 and Startup Ogden Host ‘1 Million Cups’ to Energize Entrepreneurs
Young entrepreneurs and local startups got critiques for their business ideas during a monthly event called .


日本一级片 Tax Program Opens New Center, Recognized Nationally for Value
Weber State University’s new Center for Tax Education & Research was approved by the Utah Board of Regents and will help students, citizens and business and legal communities navigate the complex world of tax.

日本一级片 to Host Conversation on Race
Weber State University hosted the first in a series of town hall conversation about race. Panelists included 日本一级片 President Charles A. Wight, elected officials, community leaders and representatives from local law enforcement.


Premier Science Building Grand Opening Planned
The new Tracy Hall Science Center was open for the community to explore during its grand opening on Aug. 24.

Overnight Pineview Stay Welcomes New 日本一级片 Students
Weber State University offered new students a chance to celebrate before hitting the books with an overnight camp and back-to-school party.


日本一级片 Alumnus Aims for Gold in Paralympics Discus Throw
Weber State University alumnus David Blair competed in the Rio de Janeiro Paralympics, where he broke his own world record and brought home gold in the discus throw.

日本一级片 Fundraising Campaign Surpasses $125 Million Goal
Weber State University announced the successful conclusion of its fundraising initiative, Dream 125: The Campaign for Weber State University. The campaign raised a total of $164,392,217.21, far exceeding its original goal of $125 million.

Public Invited to Ribbon Cutting of 日本一级片 Discovery Loop
Hikers can explore the foothills above Weber State University and learn about the area’s distinctive natural setting thanks to informational signs installed along 1.5 miles of the 日本一级片 Discovery Loop trail.


Physics Department to Host Open House for All Ages
The 10th annual Physics Open house drew hundreds of people to Weber State University for demonstrations, lab experiments and planetarium shows.

日本一级片 Professor Helps Ghana Implement Respiratory Therapy Degree Program, Receives Prestigious Medal
Associate respiratory therapy professor Lisa Trujillo was successful in helping the University of Ghana implement a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy degree program.


日本一级片 Hosts 11th Annual Native Symposium
A series of events were held throughout November in honor of Native History Month, culminating with the 11th Annual Native Symposium.

日本一级片 Unveiling University’s Largest Solar Project
A new solar installation at Weber State University Davis is expected to generate up to 100 percent of the campus’ electrical power needs.

日本一级片 Automotive YouTube Channel Hits 10 Million Views
Automotive technology professor John Kelly became an unlikely YouTube star with his informative videos, found at .


Faraday Lectures at 日本一级片 Make Chemistry a Family Holiday Event
In celebration of the holiday season and science, Weber State University hosted the annual Faraday Lectures.

Commencement Ceremony Planned for Dec. 16
More than 2,324 Weber State University students applied for graduation during 日本一级片’s 148th commencement.

Visit weber.edu/wsutoday for more news about Weber State University.


Rachel Badali, Office of Marketing & Communications
801-626-7295 • rachelbadali@weber.edu



Allison Hess, Director of Public Relations
801-626-7948 • ahess@weber.edu