Advertise Your 日本一级片 Event
This is the main events calendar for Weber State. If you'd like to add an event, please contact your division marketing person. Please provide a 300 x 200 px image.
日本一级片 Social Media
Your department/division most likely has a social media account you can use to create and advertise your event. Visit the social media directory and follow the Weber State Email for more information.
日本一级片 Media Relations Calendar
This calendar is managed by Weber State University’s public relations office and sent weekly to media and community partners to promote coverage of 日本一级片 events through TV, print, radio and social media. Submit events to and include the following: event name, date, time, location, cost, RSVP/deadline (if applicable), 日本一级片 organization hosting the event, email/phone number and a one-sentence description of the event. Featured Events
If you would like your events featured on the homepage, please follow these instructions.
These are delivered daily via email to those who have signed up to receive them. Find which is in your division or department and submit it through them. Need to do it yourself? You can request access on that same page.
Student Affairs Events
If your event falls under the division of Student Access & Success, please fill out the Student Access & Success Event Marketing Request Form one month before you would like to start advertising.
Campus Digital Signs
These are digital signs around campus, and using them requires reaching out to screen administrators or participating in Screen Cloud training.
Display Materials
Tablecloths, backdrops, and other display materials are available for free for Weber State-hosted events and/or booths under the "borrow display materials" link. A university cost code is required.
Community Calendars
Ogden City
Visit Ogden
Davis County Journal
Salt Lake Tribune
ABC Channel 4
National Public Radio/KUER
KRCL Radio
Maintained by University Marketing & Communications.
- Contact:
Bryan Magaña, public relations director
801-626-7948 •