Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
What is Academic Peer Coaching?
Learn more about academic peer coaching, how it differs from tutoring, and how to make an appointment.
Confessions and Contemplations of a Peer Coach was a blog written by Weber State University Academic Peer Coaches from 2021-2022. The blog posts cover various topics, from sharing their personal experiences to giving tips and sharing inspiration.
Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Learn more about academic peer coaching, how it differs from tutoring, and how to make an appointment.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Learn more about academic peer coaching, how it differs from tutoring, and how to make an appointment.
By Sophia, Academic Peer Coach
Set up for success in tests by avoiding common test-taking mistakes.
By Noah, Certified Peer Educator
How to Navigate the Important Points from Textbooks & Lectures
By Rachel, Certified Peer Educator
Being intentional is an effective way to stay focused on where we want to go, whether we’re road tripping or pursuing goals.
By Emily, Certified Peer Educator
Struggling with things like food and hygiene items? Weber State has some great resources to help you!
By Noah, Certified Peer Educator
Take a look at the different options for dropping classes and adjusting your course schedule.
By Emily, Certified Peer Educator
Textbook reading have you down? Say no more- these simple tips will have you loving your textbook in no time!
By Noah, Academic Peer Coach
Learn how to make the most out of your classes.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Whether it’s the beginning of a new semester or midterms, it’s always a great idea to review your syllabus! Click to learn more about why it’s important and what to look for.
By Noah, Academic Peer Coach
3 key steps on how to face your finals fearlessly!
By Juliana, Academic Peer Coach
A college graduate shares how she overcame test anxiety and shares experts’ tips on how you can too.
By Noah, Academic Peer Coach
Prevent procrastination with profound perspective and purposeful, practical planning!
By Alexis, Academic Peer Coach
Come discover how 7 myths about approaching professors are directly debunked by ÈÕ±¾Ò»¼¶Æ¬ professors.
By Alexis, Academic Peer Coach
Don’t get caught by a phishing scam. Learn how to create strong passwords and keep them safe.
By Juliana, Academic Peer Coach
Do you feel like you have an impossible workload? Read the story of a first-year college student who creates an action plan that works.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Have you ever wanted to get involved at Weber but don’t know where to start? SIL could be the place for you.
By Candace, Certified Peer Educator
A quick dive into the basics of how you can incorporate group study into your routine this semester.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Do you feel burdened with so many responsibilities on your shoulders? Learn how to successfully manage and excel in all aspects of your life.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Learn what motivates you in order to maintain your drive while pursuing goals and welcoming personal growth.
By Candace, Certified Peer Educator
Feeling stressed out about your courses this semester? Look into tutoring!
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Come get ideas of different places in which you can take your notes and find what method works best for you.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Take a deeper look into how you can develop habits more effectively.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Have you ever felt confused about all of the different class types being offered at Weber State? Come learn a bit more about each class type and what you can expect from them.
By Alexis M. , Certified Peer Educator
Nervous about the upcoming semester? Come learn how the Academic Peer Coaches get ready for school.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Overwhelmed by all of the things you might need for your first day of classes? Here your peer coaches share their most essential items, letting you in on what is in their backpacks.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Learn how to make the most of your college experience from seasoned Weber State seniors.
By Alexis M. , Certified Peer Educator
Need help getting a job? Use ÈÕ±¾Ò»¼¶Æ¬â€™s resources to land a job on campus and eventually your dream job.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Come learn some tips and tricks for getting your life on track using the wonderful tool that is Google Calendar.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Do you struggle with time management and procrastination? A Tomato just might be the key to getting you back on track.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Have you ever found yourself procrastinating and then criticizing yourself for being lazy? Read about how procrastination may not be about laziness, but about our personal feelings towards certain tasks.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Come and listen in on a conversation we had with Jesse Checkman about Weber State's Financial Literacy Center and what they can do for you.
By Alexis M. , Certified Peer Educator
Is your study session feeling dull? Learn how to incorporate game elements into your learning experience.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Successful people stay motivated. That is the ‘secret’ to their success. Self-motivation is the nudge to stay determined and focused on the goals you’ve set.
By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator
Learn with me through trial and error how to have a positive attitude and growth mindset.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Learn how to organize your time and discover some tools that can help you create your schedule!
By Alexis M. , Certified Peer Educator
Are you stressed? Learn how stress works and how to identify stress in your life.
By Alexis M. , Certified Peer Educator
Are you stressed? Learn how your lifestyle paired with relaxation techniques can reduce your stress levels.
By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator
Technology plays a huge role in all aspects of our lives and has both positive and negative impacts. Here, we discuss the importance of creating digital boundaries and give some ideas of how to remain in control of your life and technology usage.