Confessions and Contemplations of a Peer Coach

Confessions and Contemplations of a Peer Coach was a blog written by Weber State University Academic Peer Coaches from 2021-2022. The blog posts cover various topics, from sharing their personal experiences to giving tips and sharing inspiration.

  1. Provide you with academic strategies to help you succeed in your college experience.
  2. Introduce you to some of the endless resources that Weber has to offer.
  3. Give you an idea of how peer coaches can help—and have fun doing it!


5 min read

To Drop or Not to Drop

By Noah, Certified Peer Educator

Take a look at the different options for dropping classes and adjusting your course schedule.

5 min read

Textbook Reading Made Easy

By Emily, Certified Peer Educator

Textbook reading have you down? Say no more- these simple tips will have you loving your textbook in no time!

7 min read

How to Use Your Syllabus

By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator

Whether it’s the beginning of a new semester or midterms, it’s always a great idea to review your syllabus! Click to learn more about why it’s important and what to look for.

6 min read

Finish Strong

By Noah, Academic Peer Coach

3 key steps on how to face your finals fearlessly!

6 min read

Test Anxiety No More

By Juliana, Academic Peer Coach

A college graduate shares how she overcame test anxiety and shares experts’ tips on how you can too.

7 min read

Just Get Started!

By Noah, Academic Peer Coach

Prevent procrastination with profound perspective and purposeful, practical planning!

11 min read

Backpack Essentials: Featuring- Your Peer Coaches

By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator

Overwhelmed by all of the things you might need for your first day of classes? Here your peer coaches share their most essential items, letting you in on what is in their backpacks.

6 min read

Financial Literacy & You

By Kat A., Certified Peer Educator

Come and listen in on a conversation we had with Jesse Checkman about Weber State's Financial Literacy Center and what they can do for you.

11 min read

Gamify Your Study Routine

By Alexis M. , Certified Peer Educator

Is your study session feeling dull? Learn how to incorporate game elements into your learning experience.

11 min read

Becoming (and Staying) Motivated

By Rachel B., Certified Peer Educator

Successful people stay motivated. That is the ‘secret’ to their success. Self-motivation is the nudge to stay determined and focused on the goals you’ve set.