Division Outstanding Performance Awards Recognition Committee - Ten (10) Administrative Services employees assigned to fairly and equitably administer the 日本一级片 Administrative Services Division Outstanding Performance Award Program.
Department Spot Award - An immediate, non-monetary gift that a supervisor uses to recognize an Administrative Services staff member (including part-time/hourly employees). Types of spot awards include: gift certificates, clothing items, event tickets, etc.
Division Outstanding Performance Award - Cash awards and mementos given at the Division level to salaried and hourly Administrative Services employees for outstanding performance. Awards up to $400 (before taxes) will be given to part-time/hourly employees and awards up to $800 (before taxes) will be given to salaried employees. Employees may receive one individual award every two years. Executive employees are exempt from receiving this award. Division Outstanding Performance Awards Recognition Committee members are not eligible to receive awards during their term.
Division Outstanding Team Performance Award – Cash awards and mementos given at the Division level to teams for their outstanding performance and contributions to the quality of the Division. Up to two awards of up to $4000 will be given to those teams whose members demonstrate outstanding performance in the Division. The award will be divided among the members of the team, but will not exceed $800 (before taxes) per individual. Employees may receive one team award every two years. Executive employees are exempt from receiving this award. Division Outstanding Performance Awards Recognition Committee members are not eligible to receive awards during their term.
Team – A group of people working together toward common goals. For the purpose of this policy, a team must be chartered by the Vice President for Administrative Services, one of his direct reports, or President’s Council following the guidelines from this website: /owl/chartering-a-team.html
A. The Administrative Services Division of Weber State University recognizes the value of positive reinforcement. Research has shown that employees that are recognized on a regular basis will promote organizational values and objectives, encourage positive behavior, increase productivity and customer satisfaction, and increase employee retention (Gallup Study 1999).
B. Department Spot Awards
1. The amount of money available for Department Spot Awards is determined each year by the Vice President of Administrative Services. Funds for Spot Awards will be transferred from the Office of the Vice President into departmental accounts by the beginning of the fiscal year. These funds will be allocated according to the number of employees in the department. The formula for allocation follows:
Where, d = total recognition dollars available
f = full-time employee headcount, p = part-time employee headcount |
2. Supervisors/managers should use Spot Awards to express their appreciation to an employee for extra effort or extraordinary performance while the event is fresh in the manager/employee's mind (on-the-spot).
3. Supervisors/managers shall submit a log sheet documenting the spot awards to the Administrative Services Vice President's Office by June 30th each year.
C. Division Outstanding Individual Performance Award
1. The amount of money available for the Division Outstanding Individual Performance Award is determined each year by the Vice President of Administrative Services. These funds will be maintained by the Vice President's Office.
2. Any 日本一级片 employee may recommend an Administrative Services employee receive the Outstanding Performance Award by submitting the to the Office of the VP of Administrative Services at any time during the year.
3. Nomination Forms will be reviewed and awardees selected by the Rewards and Recognition Committee. Nominations are due April 30.
4. The Outstanding Performance Awards will be presented to each awardee by the Vice President of Administrative Services.
5. Groups and teams are ineligible for the Division Outstanding Individual Performance Award.
D. Division Outstanding Team Performance Award
1. The amount of money available for Division Outstanding Team Performance Awards is determined each year by the Vice President of Administrative Services. These funds will be maintained by the Vice President’s Office.
2. Any 日本一级片 employee may nominate an Administrative Services team for the Outstanding Team Performance Award by submitting the to the Office of the VP of Administrative Services at any time during the year.
3. Team Nomination Forms will be reviewed and awardees selected by the Rewards and Recognition Committee. Nominations are due April 30.
4. The Outstanding Team Performance Awards will be presented to awardees by the Vice President of Administrative Services.
5. If no team nominations are received, or if the selection committee determines that no teams meet the criteria, awards will not be given out during that period.
6. The award money may be used to purchase equipment for the department if the entire team is in agreement to do so. If equipment is purchased, it becomes the property of Weber State University.
7. Individuals, groups and non-chartered teams are ineligible for the Division Outstanding Team Performance Award.
8. The decision as to how the team award will be split among team members will be made by the team leader, the person who chartered the team, and the Vice President for Administrative Services. It may be split equally, or divided in a way that represents how much each person contributed to the team. No one person may receive more than $800 (before taxes).
E. An individual may not receive more than $800 in cash awards during any two-year period; however, individuals may receive more than one plaque during a two-year period.