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Venture to New Heights: Free college credits on your journey to higher education

is a free, interdisciplinary humanities course for adults. Offered in partnership by Utah Humanities and Weber State, this accredited evening course, taught by college faculty, gives students new ways of thinking about their lives and their world, developing their ability to think critically and empowering them to take more control of their future. Using discussion and writing to learn and primary sources as texts, Venture uses liberal arts to help liberate the mind.  

The Venture Course is designed to be offered to a group of students who will study five subjects:

  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Literature
  • Creativity
  • Critical writing and thinking

The classes are taught by university faculty who value community access to higher education and focus on empowering students to develop new ways of thinking to shape their future.

The Venture Course at Weber State University offers the following to its participants:

  1. A chance to take college courses for free
  2. The opportunity to earn up to 9 college credits counting toward General Education Requirements
  3. Books and materials are provided at no cost
  4. Convenient class schedule of Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-7 p.m.
  5. Support for transportation and meals



In Person

日本一级片 Community Education Center
2955 Harrrison Blvd., Suite 102
Ogden Utah

More Info

Alex McDonald