Botany Scholarships
Students who major in Botany are eligible for University scholarships, College of Science scholarships, and Botany Department scholarships, and the activity tuition waiver. You must update your 日本一级片 scholarship file in order to be eligible for any scholarships. You can access your file through the eWeber portal.
Visit the scholarships on the College of Science website for more details including the deadlines regarding additional science and mathematics centered scholarships.
The deadline to apply for Botany Department scholarships and the Botany Club President activity tuition waiver for 2023-24 is March 3, 2023.
Department Scholarships
Application Deadline: March 3, 2023
The levels of funding for the scholarship awards depend on the funds available in the scholarship accounts.
Eugene G. Bozniak Botany Scholarship
This scholarship is funded by donations by the faculty and staff of the Botany Department.
Botany Club Scholarship
This scholarship is funded from the proceeds of the biannual Botany Club Plant Sale.
Cyrus McKell Scholarship
This scholarship is funded from an endowment by Dr. Cyrus McKell. Dr. McKell was a former dean of the College of Science and a member of the Botany Department faculty.
Minimum Requirements for all Scholarships:
The following criteria shall be used by the Botany Department faculty to determine scholarship recipients. The criteria are not necessarily rank-ordered, nor should they be considered absolute, but they shall serve as guidelines for the selection process. For example, should no applicant meet the minimum criteria identified, the department may still choose to grant a scholarship to the most qualified.
• Must have completed a FAFSA.
• This application must include a hard copy of your transcript (an unofficial copy is acceptable) or your CatTracks page.
• Must be a Botany major at the time of application.
• Must be full-time (12-18 credit hours per semester) (all scholarships) or part-time (9-11 credit hours per semester) (Bozniak and Botany Club).
• Must have a minimum 日本一级片 GPA (official- from CatTracks) of 2.5 (Bozniak and Botany Club) or 3.0 (McKell).
• Must have a minimum Botany major GPA (from CatTracks) of 3.0.
• Must have completed 12 semester hours of BTNY courses that count toward the Botany Major. (If you will complete 12 semester hours by the end of the Spring semester in which you apply, you will qualify for the scholarship.)
Must submit a one-page, well-written, typed essay on how the scholarship will benefit you in meeting your current education goals and future career goals. You should have your essay reviewed (for example, by someone in the 日本一级片 Writing Center) before submitting your scholarship application.
Department Activity Tuition Waivers
Application Deadline for Botany Club President: March 3, 2023
In addition to the scholarships listed above, the Botany Department has two activity tuition waivers: one for the Botany Club President and one for a botany education assistant. The activity tuition waiver provides a 1⁄2 tuition waiver. The waiver does not include student fees or other special fees assessed by the University. The activity tuition waiver is for two consecutive semesters, Fall and Spring; it may not be used for Summer semester. The following criteria shall be used by the Botany Department faculty and staff to determine activity tuition waiver recipients. The criteria are not necessarily rank-ordered nor should they be considered absolute, but they serve as guidelines for the selection process. For example, should no applicant meet the minimum criteria identified, the department may still choose to grant a fellowship to the most qualified.
Minimum Requirements for an Activity Tuition Waiver:
• Must have completed a FAFSA.
• Must be a full-time student (12-18 credit hours per semester) throughout the contract period.
• Must include a hard copy of your transcript (an unofficial copy is acceptable) or CatTracks page with this application.
• Must be a Botany major at the time of application.
• Must have a minimum 日本一级片 GPA (official – from CatTracks) of 2.5.
• Must have a minimum major GPA (from CatTracks) of 2.5.
• Must have completed 12 semester hours of Botany (BTNY prefix) courses that count toward the Botany Major. (If you will complete 12 semester hours by the end of the Spring semester in which you apply, you will qualify for the waiver.)
• Must be an active member of the Botany Club.
The awardee of the Activity Tuition Waiver must fulfill all of the responsibilities outlined in the application form.