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Voice & Tone

When writing on behalf of Weber State University it is important to communicate consistently, professionally and in a way that stays on brand. Understanding this helps establish a consistent voice at Weber State. While we might need to tailor our messages to resonate with certain audiences, our voice must remain consistent.

At Weber State, our tone is:


Down To Earth

Serious When Called For

Fun When Called For!

Writing Resources

An important part of tone is writing, grammar and spelling style. We use a combination of Associated Press (AP) Style and a university style guide when writing for print and digital publications like flyers, websites, digital signs and pretty much anything you’ve ever seen on campus.

Weber State Writing Style Guide   Writing for Web


  • Phone numbers should be formatted: 801-###-####.
  • Times should be formatted with “a.m.” or “p.m.” If two times are listed, only use the “a.m.” or “p.m.” after the last listed time if both fall in the same period. For example, “8 a.m. to 10 p.m.” and “1 to 10 p.m.” are both correct.
  • Do not use two spaces after periods.
  • Do not capitalize “university” when it stands alone.
  • Avoid too! Many! Exclamation points!



The GEOG 569 GIS Workshop is designed as a capstone experience in which graduate students work in 2-3 person groups with a project sponsor mainly from the greater Wasatch Front region to model a social-ecological system for sustainability management purposes.


Graduate students in this geography workshop will work in small groups to increase the number of sustainability programs in Northern Utah.


We’re holding a flu shot clinic Feb. 23! Flu shots are super important! Come get yours today!


Weber State will be holding a flu shot clinic 9-10 a.m., Feb. 23, at the Dee Events Center. Appointments are available on a first come, first served basis. Visit the Student Health Center website for more information.


Students, have you ever wondered how much you should be investing in retirement? Our Retirement 101 course is available online and in person this semester. No refreshments will be served for those attending in person. Registration is required.


Learn how to save for that boat, vacation home or sports car in our Retirement 101 course, offered both online and in person this semester. Enrollment is limited to provide you with a customized learning experience that’s applicable to your life. It’s never too early to start preparing, so register today.