日本一级片 Tuition and Fee Payment Deadlines

Tuition and fees are always due the Friday before classes begin.

Students must have one or more of the following established by the Friday before their classes begin:

  •     Balance paid in full out-of-pocket
  •     Be enrolled in a Monthly Payment Plan
  •     Have Financial Aid scheduled to disburse
  •     Have all Employer Tuition Assistance forms submitted to the Cashier's Office
  •     Have all non-日本一级片 scholarship checks submitted to the Cashier's Office

If financial aid/scholarships will not cover the balance due, then the remaining portion must be paid out of pocket by payment deadline.

If you register AFTER the first day of class, tuition and fee payment must be made immediately.

All unpaid tuition and fees will be subject to late/collection fees, interest, and a hold preventing further registration adjustments or the printing of transcripts.