EDUC 2900 - Career Planning & Exploration
What is EDUC 2900?
EDUC 2900 (formerly UNIV 2900) provides a comprehensive approach to career development, planning, preparation, and selection. It is designed to assist students as they develop their future goals through assessment of personal strengths, values, interests, and abilities. Students will learn valuable decision-making skills required for choosing a major and career path. The course provides strategies for successfully entering the job market through resume creation, interview preparation, and exploration of labor market information.
This 3-credit course is offered:
- In-person: Fall/Spring Semester
- Virtual: Fall/Spring/Summer Semester
EDUC 2900 Requirements:
Completion of an online interest career assessment (additional $10)
- An optional personality assessment is available (additional $15)
If you have any questions, please contact:
Career Service's front office team at 801-626-6393 | careerservices@weber.edu
- Your EDUC 2900 instructors
Why Should I Take EDUC 2900?
Strengthen resume and cover letter
Build interview skills and learn how to develop job search strategies
Narrow down your major and career focus
Learn how to research careers, occupational wages and employment projections
Identify your values, skills, interests, and personality type
Develop strong decision making, career plans, and goals
Learn how to utilize online platforms such as Handshake and LinkedIn