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Student Resources

You can monitor your progress toward graduation.  These three CatTracks resources are especially helpful:

Degree Evaluation

Learn more about the student Degree Evaluation resource, which shows all of your student information, including:

To learn more, click on the linked terms above.

The Degree Evaluation resource displays the list of courses you need to graduate. Visual marks show completed courses, unmet courses, and in-progress courses as follows:




Video Introduction to CatTracks Degree Evaluation



The What-If resource allows you to explore requirements for other programs of study. If you have declared a major, but would like to know more about another, you can do that with this resource. Are you a History major, but also curious about Zoology? Simply use the What-If tools to learn more about the following:

  • Student Name and W#
  • Degrees
  • Majors
  • Minors
  • Updated catalog years

Remember, the What-If resource allows you to explore other options without changing your major. You must formally declare your program of study with your academic advisor.

The Degree Evaluation resource displays the list of courses you need to graduate. Visual marks show completed courses, unmet courses, and in-progress courses as follows:

Video Introduction to CatTracks What-if



Planning helps you finish on time and save money. This resource allows you to make a sequential plan that you can save and reference later. You can import your saved plans into the 日本一级片 registration app for quick and easy registration.

With the Plans resource, you can:

  • Add specific courses to a semester.
  • Add a list of optional courses required for your major, minor, etc.
  • Track your progress for each semester.
  • Get approval from your advisor for your plan.
  • Use a pre-built plan—a template—or make a custom plan.

For the best outcome, use the Plans resource with your advisor. You and the advisor have access to similar CatTracks tools to coordinate advising.