
We are happy to announce that Weber State University Charter Academy will re-open on August 13, 2025, serving kindergarten through 3rd grade students! The 2025-2026 school initial enrollment period ended February 14, but we will continue to receive enrollment applications until our school reaches capacity.  If you have any questions, contact 日本一级片CA Head of School, Melinda Lee. We thank you again for your interest in Weber State University Charter Academy! 

Complete the for School Year 2025-2026

Admissions and Enrollment Policy


The Governing Board of the Weber State University Charter Academy (日本一级片CA) has established this policy to provide for admission and enrollment in the school in compliance with . This code provides guidelines, limitations, and requirements regarding admission to charter schools, allowed enrollment preferences, and lottery requirements, as well as a prohibition on discrimination.

The school does not discriminate in its admission and enrollment, participation in its programs, employment, services and activities, or in other areas of its operation on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, religion, socioeconomic status, immigration status, language, genetic information, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, or against any other categories where discrimination is prohibited by state or federal law.

Public School Designation

The school is a public charter school, free to attend, open to all students equally, and funded by Utah taxpayers. The school does not charge tuition or fees, except those allowed by law for public schools.


The definitions below may be found in which governs participation in public schools.

  • At Capacity: operating above the school’s open enrollment threshold.

  • Open Enrollment Threshold: for early enrollment, a projected school enrollment level that is the greater of: (1) 90% of the maximum capacity; or, (2) maximum capacity minus 4 students; for late enrollment, the actual school enrollment that is the greater of: (1) 90% of adjusted capacity; or (2) adjusted capacity minus 4 students.

  • Project School Enrollment: the current year enrollment of a school as of October 1st, adjusted for projected growth for the next school year.

  • School of Residence: the school to which a student is assigned to attend based on the student’s place of residence. 

  • Refugee: a person who is eligible to receive benefits and services from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement.


Qualifications for Admission

All residents of the State of Utah qualify for admission to a charter school, subject to limitations set forth by law in and .

Admission Preferences

日本一级片CA may consider for admission all children who reside in the State of Utah and submit a timely application. In compliance with , the school first enrolls its existing students for the upcoming school year and secondarily gives enrollment preferences to the following groups:

日本一级片CA shall enroll:

a. a foster child residing in the same residence as an individual who is enrolled in the charter school; and
b. an eligible student who submits a timely application, unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or the charter school.

If the number of applications described in Subsection (9)(b) exceeds the capacity of the 日本一级片CA program, class, grade level, or the charter school, 日本一级片CA shall select students on a random basis, except as provided in Subsections (9) (c) through (e).
Enrollment preference will be provided to student applicants who meet the criteria below:

a. Children or grandchildren of Board Directors;
b. Children of teachers and staff actively employed at the school;
c. A sibling of an individual who was previously or is presently enrolled in
the charter school;

Admission through a Lottery

In compliance with , and after applying the preferences allowed by law, the school shall select students on a random basis if the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or the school.

The school posts lottery dates on its published calendar. Notifications regarding placement are sent via email according to posted dates. Applicants who have been accepted through the lottery must submit all State and school-required enrollment forms in accordance with posted instructions and deadlines in order to maintain their placement status. Students who do not submit required enrollment forms by the indicated deadline will be removed from the application pool.

Admission after October 1st

The school admits students after October 1st of each school year at the discretion of the School Administrator. The school always considers accepting students after October 1st under these circumstances:

  • The health and safety of a child;

  • A student’s application after a family’s military transfer;

  • A student’s refugee status;

  • Or other special circumstances related to an individual student’s needs as determined by the School Administrator.

Acceptances after October 1st of each school year are subject to the availability of space and resources to accommodate an additional student as determined by the School Administrator.


Current students wishing to maintain their continued enrollment status at the school must indicate their intent to enroll according to dates provided by the administration each school year. The school accepts applications up through October 1st of any school year and admits students based on a timeline set forth and published by the administration on the school’s website. 

During the application window, the school reserves the right to determine whether a section or grade level is “full” based on a consideration of the following:

  • The school’s enrollment capacity

  • The school’s projected enrollment;

  • The desired class size for each grade level;

  • The school’s budget and staffing needs and limitations; and,

  • The needs of students in each cohort or grade level at the school.

Students who apply after a grade level has reached capacity will be put on a waitlist and admitted to the school as spaces become available. The school will maintain the waitlist only through the following year’s enrollment window.


Withdrawal and Transfer

Exclusive Enrollment at the School

In accordance with, a parent of a student who is enrolled at the school or who has accepted an offer of admission may not duplicate enrollment for the student in another charter school or a school district without following withdrawal procedures outlined below.

Withdrawal Procedures

Per, the parent of a student enrolled at the school may withdraw the student from the school for enrollment in another charter school or a school district by submitting to the school:

  • On or before June 30, a notice of intent to enroll the student in the student’s school of residence for the following year;

  • After June 30, a letter of acceptance for enrollment in the student’s school district of residence for the following year;

  • A letter of acceptance for enrollment in the student’s school district of residence in the current school year;

  • A letter of acceptance for enrollment in a non-resident school district; or,

  • A letter of acceptance for enrollment in a charter school.

Enrollment at District of Residence Upon Withdrawal

Unless provisions have previously been made for enrollment in another school, 日本一级片CA will immediately notify the school district of residence when the school releases a student from enrollment or the student withdraws during the school year. The school district of residence is required to enroll the student in the school district and take additional steps as may be necessary to ensure compliance with laws governing school attendance ().

Limitations on Acceptance and Rejection

The school does not accept or reject applications for enrollment on the basis of any of the following: previous academic achievement; athletic or other extracurricular ability; whether or not the student requires special education services for which space is available; or proficiency in the English language.

Denial of Admission and Reciprocity

Denial of Admission for Expelled Students

In addition, the school does not admit students who have been expelled from another school district, charter school, or private school during the preceding twelve (12) months (.

Denial of Admission for Students with Chronic Misbehavior

In accordance with, the school may deny admission to students in the following categories:

  • Students who have committed serious infractions of the law or school policies;

  • Students who have been guilty of chronic misbehavior which would, if it were to continue after the student was admitted, endanger persons of property, cause serious disruptions in the school, or place unreasonable burdens on the school staff. 

Reciprocity of Disciplinary Action Among Public Schools

In accordance with the reciprocity agreements and understandings with other public schools in the State of Utah, it is the practice of the school to recognize and honor disciplinary action imposed on a student by other charter schools and district schools. Accordingly, the school will deny admission to a student who is currently under suspension or expulsion from another school district or school. 

Provisional Enrollment for Students with Prior Behavior Problems

The school may provide for provisional enrollment of students with prior behavior problems and establish conditions under which enrollment of a student would be permitted or continued. 


Full-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten

The school offers full-day kindergarten to all enrolling kindergarten students but allows a parent or guardian to indicate a preference for a half-day class. If a student’s parent or guardian requests a half-day option, the school accommodates that request within a full-day class as required by. The school does not provide transportation options for kindergarten students who request a half-day option. 

If at least 18 students register for half-day kindergarten, the school will provide a half-day class in which the Utah State Board of Education’s minimum standards of half-day kindergarten will be met.

Special Conditions for Kindergarten Enrollment

Requirement for Toilet Training

Per, the school requires a student to be toilet trained before enrolling in kindergarten.

  • During the enrollment process, the school requires a parent or guardian to assure the school that the enrolling kindergarten student is toilet trained.

  • If a student who has been enrolled in kindergarten is found to not be toilet trained, the student and the student’s parent or guardian will be referred to a school social worker or counselor for additional family support and resources.

  • Once a student has become toilet trained, the student will be reintegrated into the school.

  • The school will exempt a student from this requirement who is not able to be toilet trained before kindergarten because of a condition described in an IEP or Section 504 accommodation plan.