Dr. Charles Davidson
Contact Information
Email: cdavidson@weber.edu
Phone: 801-626-7477
Office Location:
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 255N
Teaching Philosophy & Focus
I enjoy helping students realize that learning can be exciting and fun. Galileo summarized this best when he stated: “We cannot teach another person anything. We can only help him to discover it for himself.” Helping students discover new knowledge is a fundamental focus of the courses I teach. In my courses, I emphasize the importance of chemistry in every aspect of our daily lives and how the application of chemistry concepts is used to solve societal and environmental problems.
The Experimental Design course that I teach is a favorite with my students. This course focuses on the science and concepts of designing efficient experimental studies. Design options are discussed and tested to introduce students to the concepts of factorial designs, error analysis, and hypothesis testing.
Courses Taught
Research Areas of Interest
My research efforts focus on improving metal extraction from ores that will increase efficiency and produce less environmental contamination. I also research remediation and reclamation techniques for cleaning up old contaminated mining and mineral processing sites. Other research studies include remediation of hydrophobic soils caused by forest fires.
Specific Projects
I am currently studying the redox assisted leaching of chalcopyrite in aqueous chloride solutions to improve copper extraction.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Room TY255, Mail Code 2503
Mailing Address
Weber State University
Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2503
Ogden, UT 84408-2503