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An American Chemical Society certified degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry prepares you for careers in industry, medicine, teaching, or governmental agencies. It also provides an excellent foundation for graduate school in chemistry or, chemical engineering, or for other additional professional endeavors.

Bachelor of Science Degrees 

Chemistry (BS, BIS & Teaching)

Biochemistry (BS)

Chemical Technician (AAS)

Environmental Science (BS)

Other Chemistry Program Options




Honors, Departmental



Let's Connect!



Office hours

Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Room TY255, Mail Code 2503

Mailing address

Weber State University
Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry

1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2503
Ogden, UT 84408-2503

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)

Click for campus map