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Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice

The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree offers an option for a 4-year degree that encompasses all aspects of the criminal justice system including:

  • Law enforcement
  • Corrections
  • Court systems
  • Victim and offender social issues

Students graduating from the CJ concentration find employment with local and state policing agencies, jails and prisons, local and state court systems, victim’s advocacy offices, and counseling and rehabilitation facilities.

Did you know that we also offer a fully online Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice?

Learn more →


Degree Requirements

The curriculum includes 28 credit hours of required courses and 18 hours of elective courses. In addition to the 日本一级片 General Education requirements, it is strongly recommended that you declare a minor of your choice so that you can easily complete the 120 total credit hours and 40 hours of upper division credit hours (courses numbered 3000 or higher) required for a Bachelor's degree. All CJ students are encouraged to meet with a CJ faculty advisor annually for course and program advisement. If you have any incomplete general education requirements, or have not declared a major in CJ AND completed CJ 1010, you should schedule an appointment with one of the CSBS Academic Advisors.

Grade Requirements: A grade of “C” or better in all courses is required for this major in addition to an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Program Requirements: Students obtaining a major in criminal justice are required to complete 46 credit hours in courses with a CJ prefix.