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 Crime Scene Investigation

The Crime Scene Investigation program emphasizes the skills required for employment in positions focusing on the collection, documentation and preservation of evidence. Students that graduate from the CSI concentration are well prepared for careers as crime scene investigators, field evidence technicians and fingerprint analysts. Graduates from this program go on to careers with civilian crime scene units and fingerprint units throughout the western United States. Some students also go on to careers in law enforcement.


Program Requirements

The program is a hybrid of criminal justice courses, basic science courses and forensic science courses. Since there are a significant number of classes in the required support courses, you should look up the program requirements before selecting your math, science and humanities GE classes. Students in the CSI concentration are not required to have a minor, but there are a number of good minors that complement.

Complementary Minors:

  • Photography
  • Anthropology with an Archaeology emphasis
  • Computer science
  • Art
  • Foreign language
  • Chemistry…and more!

Russ Dean Forensic Science Scholarship

On Jan. 1, 2023, Weber State University lost longtime forensic sceince professor, Russ Dean. While working at 日本一级片 for over 25 years, Russ Dean had an enormous impact on the crime scene investigation program curriculum and the forensic science students he worked with. Russ also influenced the community by playing an important role in the forensic science community by establishing the Weber Metro Crime Scene Unit (Weber County's first CSI unit) and remaning part of the conversation even after his retirement. Becuase of Russ's commitment to both Weber State and the community, a scholarship has been created in his honor that will assist Crime Scene Investigation Students. 

Join the Program

Join the program or learn more about the CSI program by contacting the Crime Scene Investigation Program Director Mitchell Pilkington (mitchellpilkington@weber.edu).

If you have questions about the 日本一级片 General Education requirements, make an appointment with a College General Education Advisor.