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Boyd K. and Donna S. Packer Center for Family and Community Education

The mission of the Boyd K. and Donna S. Packer Center for Family & Community Education (Packer Center) at Weber State University is to enhance the lives of individuals and families, enrich communities and promote nurturing environments through campus and educational outreach offerings.

The Boyd K. and Donna S. Packer Center for Family and Community Education is housed in the Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education and draws upon faculty, staff, students and community members from a variety of disciplines.
The Moyes College of Education is committed to serving campus and community members with the exciting, responsive and progressive programs supported through the Packer Center.


The Packer Center’s activities seek to:

  • Improve service delivery in education, health and other social services.
  • Create an awareness of cognitive, social, emotional and cultural issues within the community.
  • Integrate the insights and strengths of the various programs within the center.
  • Provide on-going opportunities for educational reflection.
  • Provide educational and reflective projects that further the center's mission.
  • Foster and encourage collaborative community-based programs.
  • Serve as a resource, clearinghouse and disseminator of information to enhance the campus and community.
  • Implement collaborative community-based, multidisciplinary education and training for students, faculty and staff.
  • Offer ongoing, high-quality professional development programs for educators and professionals.