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Computer Science Tutoring

Tutors are available online six days a week (Monday through Saturday). 

For a complete list of times and locations, .

To meet online, use the following button:

(Use your 日本一级片 Credentials)

Chat with Tutors on Google Chat!

Students can now easily connect with our tutors through Google Chat. Simply search for "Computer Science Tutor" in Google Chat to initiate a conversation and get the help you need!

How was your tutoring session? We welcome your !


Computer Science Tutoring on Discord

Virtual computer science drop-in tutoring is available using the Discord app.


Learning Support & Tutoring Services

We offer both in-person and virtual tutoring options.

Ogden Tutoring Services Davis Tutoring & Writing Center



As a student in the School of Computing, you can access a student account at Pluralsight.  Watch in-depth video tutorials on any number of topics. The creators of these videos like to start at a very rudimentary place to allow you to grow as you watch them.

If you do not have a subscription (which you can find out in Step 1), you need to contact one of the following staff about getting one. You must have declared CS, NET or WEB as a major.

Computer Science:  aalgahmi@weber.edu
Cybersecurity and Network Management: andrewdrake@weber.edu
Web & User Experience: noelalton@weber.edu
Davis Campus Computer Science: bradleypeterson@weber.edu
Salt Lake Community College Students: tedcowan@weber.edu