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Online Computer Science Degrees/Courses:

The computer science (CS) program is one of several at Weber State University to offer the majority of their degree through online courses. 

Information from frequently asked questions regarding online CS degrees and courses include:

Admissions and Registration

  • Weber State is an open enrollment University and there is no additional application process to become a CS major. Apply for Admissions
  • CS online courses typically fill up quickly. Be admitted and ready to register on the first day available to you. 

Online Degrees

  • Programming Essentials Certificate
  • AAS* Degree

*Not all MATH classes are currently available online.  To complete these requirements you can either test out of them, take them from another university and transfer the credit or take them face to face at Weber State.

CS Flex

  • Academic Coach and teacher support
  • Progress at your own pace
  • Flexible start time
  • 100% online
  • Mix and match CS Flex and standard CS courses to get the classes you need in a way that fits your life 

Online Courses

  • Computer Science (CS) online courses typically run full semesters, similar to a face-to-face course. CS online courses start and stop on specific dates and assignments have specific due dates.  You will follow the syllabus and schedule provided by your instructor through Canvas. 
  • CS online courses are not offered as independent study, however CS Flex courses are self-paced.
  • CS online courses may require interactive discussion boards and group projects.
  • While not every course is offered through an online format every semester, students may complete their program of study by carefully planning out their schedule.
  • If you have questions specific to your personal record, please contact a Computer Science advisor via email or through an appointment.  
  • is a great resource for frequently asked questions about online courses in general.