Teacher Resources

Science & Math Kits, Labs, & Lesson Materials
The CSME is now offering a variety of kits and resources for teachers to check out and use in their classrooms!
If you do not see something you need, contact us!
♦ CSME Kits
Teacher Twilight Series
You are invited to attend the Teacher Twilight Series where we share current and relevant training. Learn more about where and what is being presented.
Endorsements & 日本一级片 Course Info.
Educator Resources
Utah State Board of Education
Utah Science Teaching Association
Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Let's Connect!
CSME Director
Adam Johnston
Room TY 204, Mail Code 2509
Mailing Address
Weber State University
Center for Science and
Math Education
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2509
Ogden, UT 84408-2509