Fits your schedule, skills and independent learning style.
What is an online math course?
Online math classes cover the same content covered in master-based classes and completed entirely online with no face-to-face class meetings. All material is available online. Students take notes from online videos and/or the etext and submit them online. Homework can be completed wherever internet access is available. Computerized quizzes and tests must be taken in an approved proctored environment, which may require additional costs.
Is an online math course right for me?
If you have struggled in math in the past or if it has been a long time since you’ve taken a math course, you may want to consider all the course options 日本一级片 has to offer before choosing an online course. Check out our website for descriptions of other types of courses. Online courses work best for students who are:
• Computer proficient
• Consistent with communicating regularly via email
• Motivated and independent learners who don’t need the face-to-face accountability of support in a face-to-face classroom
• Comfortable taking quizzes and tests in a formal, proctored environment
If you don’t meet these criteria, but still need to take an online course, please communicate your challenges to your instructor and work closely with your instructor to ensure your success.
Which classes are taught using the Online format?
- Math 0950
- Math 0990
- Math 1010
Where can I get help for my Online class?
Students in Developmental Math classes are always welcome to get free tutoring help in Math Tutoring Center. Tutors are always available to answer any questions regarding homework and previously taken quizzes/tests. It is also encouraged for students to reach out to their instructors for help.
Main Office
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY) 207
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Mailing address
Weber State University
Developmental Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2516
Ogden, UT 84408-2516