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Mastery-Based Learning

What is Master-Based Learning (MBL)?

Mastery-Based Learning (MBL) requires students to demonstrate knowledge and skills before progressing to the next unit. MBL utilizes technology and interaction with peers to help students master each mathematical concept/unit. Rather than lecture, teachers work with students in small groups or individually.

What is this class like?

MBL classes meet four hours a week in a regular classroom with an instructor. Our MBL classes use a "flipped" or inverted pedagogy. This means, prior to each class, students will watch a video lecture or read through the textbook and create a set of notes to bring to class. Class time is turned into a workshop where your instructor will review some key ideas and help students assimilate the new information. Then, in groups, students complete their math homework for the day. Any assigned tasks not completed during class time must be finished outside of class. This format allows more time for teachers to interact with students instead of lecturing. All quizzes and tests are completed electronically and tests must be taken in a testing center.

How do I know MBL math is for me?

You should consider this class format if you...

  • like working in groups and in a social atmosphere
  • like the idea of reviewing information before class and completing homework (in groups) during class time
  • are less interested in knowing the "why" of math and more interested in just knowing how to do it
  • are comfortable learning on the computer, but still, want a face-to-face environment

Which classes are taught using the MBL format?

  • Math 0950
  • Math 0990
  • Math 1010

What course materials do I purchase?

Videos, the textbook, homework, quizzes and tests are accessed online using an online homework software. When you register for a class you pay a materials fee that gives you automatic access to the software. You will be able to access the software on the first day of the semester.

Where can I get help for my MBL class?

Students in Developmental Math classes are always welcome to get free tutoring help in the Math Tutoring Center. Tutors are always available to answer any questions regarding homework and previously taken quizzes/tests. It is also encouraged for students to reach out to their instructors for help.

What do other students say about MBL classes?

"I like the way the instructor would review common difficulties that everyone had in the homework, which would make the tests easier. Also, we learned the things that we as a class would struggle in and did not have to review things that we as a class already mastered or knew."


Let's Connect!

Advisor: 801-626-7451


Main Office 

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY) 207
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Mailing address

Weber State University
Developmental Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2516
Ogden, UT 84408-2516

Building location

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