Accommodation Letter
The accommodation letter is requested every semester
after you have been approved for accommodations
You will give this letter to your professors each semester to inform them of your specific approved accommodations.
Not approved for accommodations yet? Register with Disability Services.
About Accommodation Letters
After an accommodation has been authorized, a member of the Disability Services (DS) staff will generate an “Accommodation Letter” on behalf of the student. An original copy of the letter, complete with the appropriate staff signature, is provided for each class in which the student will require accommodation(s). These accommodations may or may not change; however, students are required to provide a new accommodation letter for each class each semester. The letters are given to each student to deliver to their instructors as early in the semester as possible. Accommodation letters will not be mailed directly to the instructor; students are responsible for delivering their letters to their own instructors.It is important that each student discuss their accommodation needs with their instructors. If the class is taught on campus, we recommend that the student set up an appointment and meet with the instructor one-on-one. If for any reason the instructor believes that any accommodation is inappropriate or may not work in a given course, the instructor should contact DS immediately to discuss the issue; instructors should never simply deny an accommodation without consulting with DS first.
Hard Copies
Students may pick up their letters in the DS office at the front desk. Each letter the instructor receives should be dated for the current semester and should be a signed, original copy. A copy is also placed in the student’s file in the DS office and additional copies may be requested when necessary.
Digital Copies
DS can provide digital copies of the student’s accommodation letter via email (.pdf). Please note that these letters do not include anyspecific disability or medical information and are not subject to HIPPA regulations; however, DS does take certain procedural steps to ensure confidentiality for each student.
This procedure is outlined:
- Request the letters as usual indicating thatyou would like a digital copy. See forms at the top of the page.
- The student’s advisor will generate a pdf version of the letter and send it to the student’s Weber email.
- The student will then send the pdf to each of their professors. In the cc area of the email include the appropriate DS advisor. This is to ensure that they can respond to any questions the professor may have about the accommodation in a timeliermanner.It is also recommended that the student request a read receipt so that they can see when the professor opens the email.
- If no reply is forthcoming within two or three business days, please notify DS of the delay.
It is important that students follow this procedure. This ensures that accommodation letters are sent only to email addresses provided by the student. Since the digital copy cannot be signed, it is essential that the accommodation letter come from an authorized 日本一级片 address and NOT the student’s personal email address. Instructors should not accept any accommodation letter unless it comes directly from a Weber State email.