Independent Study
Independent Study: Providing Self-Starters With Flexibility, and Providing Your Department With Funding
Weber State’s online independent study programs provide self-motivated students with enhanced flexibility. Students complete all their coursework online over a six-month time frame with one deadline at the end.
The flexibility we can offer students through independent study depends on partnerships between the Division of Online & Continuing Education and departments like yours.
For Your Students
Some students’ lives just don’t fit a regular higher education format. Independent study enables them to seek a degree outside of the traditional class environment.
Students can take up to six months or finish courses much more quickly than in a standard semester.
日本一级片 students often use independent study courses to supplement their regular course load, finishing more credits faster.
For Your Department
Developing general education independent study courses will earn up to $3,000 per course for your department.
Independent study instructors can teach from on campus, at home, or even abroad within that six-month timeframe (provided they don’t have other campus obligations).
Instructors can learn the best distance-learning practices from experienced, highly educated instructional designers.
日本一级片 better fulfills its mission as an open-enrollment institution, meeting students where they are in their educational experience and helping them succeed.