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Ordered & Unordered Lists

Breaking content into lists is important for document accessibility as it provides clear structure, improves readability, enhances screen reader accessibility, enables keyboard navigation, and promotes compliance with accessibility guidelines. By using lists effectively, documents can be made more accessible and usable for all users, including those with disabilities.



  • Provides Clear and Structured Content
  • Screen Reader Accessibility
  • Improved Keyboard Navigation
  • Increased Consistency and Readability
  • Improved Mobile Accessibility
  • Compliance with Accessibility Guidelines

Best Practices

Use clear and consistent list styles to make it easy for users to identify and understand the list items. For unordered lists, use bullet points, and for ordered lists, use numbers or other appropriate markers. Consistency in list styles helps users quickly identify the type of list and understand the relationships between list items.

Use meaningful and descriptive labels for list items. Avoid using generic labels like "Item 1" or "Bullet 1." Instead, use labels that accurately describe the content or purpose of each list item. This helps users understand the context and meaning of each list item, especially for users who may rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies.