Academic Plans
Academic Plans
Do you need an academic plan for Financial Aid, Workforce Services, Vocational Rehab, ROTC, or your employer? Follow these steps.
Step 1- Before meeting with an advisor, become familiar with the information in the and the for the degree.
Step 2 - Using both the and , map out an academic plan using the course planner template.
Planning Tips
· For every credit hour in class, plan for a minimum of two hours out of class for homework when determining the number of courses (and credits) that will realistically fit into your work-life schedule each semester.
· Pay attention to when courses are typically taught.
· Look at each course in the catalog to see if the course requires a prerequisite or co-requisite course and map your plan in prerequisite order.
Step 3 – Schedule an academic plan advising appointment and bring your proposed plan to your advising appointment for review. Your advisor will discuss your plan and make changes if needed. The advisor will send the proposed plan to the faculty advisor to approve or revise.
Bounce Back
Bounce Back provides students whose institutional grade point average (GPA) has fallen below a 2.0 with support, information, and resources to improve their GPA and achieve good academic standing at Weber State University. Students are required to complete Bounce Back each time their academic standing drops from good to warning, warning to probation, or probation to suspension. Students who do not complete the Bounce Back program requirements receive a hold preventing future course registration.
Get Started
First-time Participants
First-time participants are enrolled in a Canvas course called Bounce Back Workshop. Access the workshop by following the steps below.
- Log in to eWeber
- Find and open the 日本一级片 Online - Canvas app
- On your Dashboard, click on the Bounce Back Workshop course
The workshop takes approximately one hour to complete. As part of the workshop, you will submit several short reflections, quizzes, and an academic plan for review by your EAST Academic Advisor. Be aware that it may be several days before your advisor can review your workshop submissions, especially during peak registration periods and right before the semester begins. We recommend completing the workshop early to avoid delays in your ability to register. After you have completed the workshop, email us at so that we may remove the hold on your registration. Please make sure to include your Name, W#, and email address.
If you are new to Canvas, it may be helpful to review the .
Return Participants
Return participants are required to meet with an EAST Academic Advisor. Schedule a Bounce Back appointment by clicking on this , or by selecting a button below.
Contact your EAST Academic Advisor to let us know that you have completed the bounceback program by emailing Please make sure to include your name, W# and email address.