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Automotive Scholarships

Automotive Scholarships

School of Computing (CS, Cybersecurity and WEB majors)

School of Computing Scholarships


Construction and Building Sciences Scholarships

Construction and Building Sciences Scholarships


Interior Design Scholarships

Interior Design Scholarships

Professional Sales Scholarships

Professional Sales Scholarships

Systems Engineering and Sustainable Engineering Certificate Scholarship

The Industry-based Post-Bachelor’s Certificate in Systems Engineering and Sustainable Engineering is a launching point for gainful employment in the aerospace/manufacturing workplace, professional certification within the International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE), and continuing education toward a Master of Science in Systems Engineering.  

Systems Engineering and Sustainable Engineering Certificate Scholarship

Student Support Services - STEM (SSS-STEM)

Student Support Services - STEM (SSS-STEM) is a grant-funded program that provides academic support primarily to first-generation and low-income students with majors in the STEM fields.

STEM Scholarship