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Autonomous Vehicle Software Post Baccalaureate Certificate

The Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Autonomous Vehicle Software prepares individuals to write software for autonomous vehicles. Students will be trained in advanced software theory and practical application involving machine learning, advanced artificial intelligence, routing, and navigation of autonomous vehicles.

Admissions Requirements

Candidate must be a current student in one of the following programs:

Require Courses (18-19 credits)

Required Core Courses (6 credits)

Select a Computer Science (6 credits) or Computer Engineering (6-7 credits) track. See course options in the catalog.

What You Will Learn

  • Data Management and storage.
  • Advanced methodologies in applied machine learning, data mining, and visualization concepts.
  • Deep learning theory on face recognition, speech synthesis and recognition, object detection, and robotics.
  • Modern cloud and distributed computing paradigms and tools.

Program Questions? Contact

Scott Hadzik
Program Director


To declare the Certificate in Autonomous Vehicle Software email mscs@weber.edu