Electrical Engineering
Updated: November 2022
Core General Education Requirements
Composition(EN) Placement Exam: Accuplacer
Complete ENGL 2010 Intermediate College Writing (3) and earn a “C” grade or better.See the 日本一级片 Catalog or weber.edu/placement for prerequisite information.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
ENGL 0900 | ENGL 0995 | ENGL 1010 | ENGL 2010 |
American Institutions (AI): Choose one
Select one of the following options and earn a “C” grade or better.
HIST 1600 The Black Experience (3)
HIST 1610 The Latinx Experience (3)
HIST 1620 The LGBTQ Experience (3)
POLS 1100 American National Government (3)
HIST 1700 American Civilization (3)
ECON 1740 Economic History of the U.S. (3)
Quantitative Literacy (QL) Placement Exam: ALEKS
Math 1030 Contemporary Mathematics (3)
Math 1040 Introduction to Statistics (3)
Math 1050 College Algebra (3)
Math 1080 Pre-Calculus (3)
Math 2020 Geometry for Elementary Teachers (3)
Any 日本一级片 Math class for which either MATH 1050 or MATH 1080 is a prerequisite
A score of 26 or higher on the Math portion of the ACT
A score of 65 or higher on ALEKS
A score of 70 or higher on the College Level Math portion of the Accuplacer exam
Tech Math Path Option A | |||
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 and Level 4 | Level 5 |
Math 0950 | Math 0990 | Math 1010 | Math 1050 (QL) |
Tech Math Path Option B | |||
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 and Level 4 | Level 5 |
Math 0950 | Math 0990 | Math 1010 | Math 1050 (QL) |
See the 日本一级片 Catalog or weber.edu/placement for prerequisite information
Information Literacy (IL) Recommended to take with ENGL 2010
Complete an exam or course option (see table below) and earn a “C” grade or better for a course or a passing exam score.
Competency Exam LIBS 1504 Information Literacy Competency Exam (1)
LIBS 1704 Information Navigator (1)
LIBS 2504 Information Resources in History (1)
LIBS/EDUC 2604 Information in Business Disciplines (1)
LIBS/BSAD 2704 Information Resources in Business Disciplines (1)
LISBS 2804 Information Resources in Social Sciences (1)
LIBS/HTHS 2904 Information Resources in Health Professions (1)
Select 3 credits from the list of approved courses and earn a passing grade. Breadth general education courses marked with (DV) fulfill the Diversity requirement as well as the specified Breadth requirement.
Highlighted courses = required or recommended classes
HU = Humanities Credit
CA = Creative Arts Credit
DV = Diversity Credit
SS = Social Sciences Credit
PS = Physical Sciences Credit
LS = Life Sciences Credit
Breadth General Education Requirements
DO NOT DUPLICATE DEPARTMENTS: Courses selected to fulfill breadth requirements must each be from a different program, with the exception of Honors.
Humanities (HU) & Creative Arts (CA) Select 9 credits (with at least 3 credits from HU and at least 3 credits from CA) and earn a passing grade.
Humanities (HU)
ANTH 1040 Language and Culture (3) DV
COMM 1020 Principles of Public Speaking (3)
COMM 2010 Mass Media and Society (3)
COMM 2110 Interpersonal & Small Group Communication (3)
COMM 2250 Essentials of Digital Media (3)
*Required for major
Foreign Language
FL 2020 Fourth Semester (3)
FL 2600 Intro to Cultural & Literary Studies in Translation (3)
HNRS 1110 Introduction to Honors: The Construction of Knowledge (3)
HNRS 1540 Perspectives in the Humanities (3)
HNRS 2010 Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Humanities (3)
HNRS 2110 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in Classic (3)
HNRS 2120 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in the M (3)
HNRS 2130 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the East (3) DV
ENGL 2200 Introduction to Literature (3) DV
ENGL 2220 Introduction to Fiction (3) DV
ENGL 2230 Introduction to Drama (3) DV
ENGL 2240 Introduction to Poetry (3) DV
ENGL 2510 Masterpieces of Literature (3) DV
ENGL 2710 Perspectives on Women’s Literature (3) DV
ENGL 2750 Topics and Ideas in the Humanities (3)
ENGL 3500 Introduction to Shakespeare (3)
ENGL 3510 World Literature (3) DV
ENGL 3520 Literature of the Natural World (3)
ENGL 3750 Topics and Ideas in Literature (3)
MUSC 1043 Music, the Arts & Civilizations (3)
PHIL 1000 Introduction to Philosophy (3)
PHIL 1120 Contemporary Moral Problems (3)
PHIL 1250 Critical Thinking (3)
THEA 2821 Period Styles in Design
Creative Arts(CA)
ART 1010 Introduction to the Visual Arts (3)
ART 1030 Studio Art for the Non-Art Major (3)
ART 1110 Drawing I (3)
ART 2450 Foundation of Photography: Color/Digital(3)
ARTH 1090 Art & Architecture of the World: Paleolithic to AD 1000 (4)
ARTH 1100 Art & Architecture of the World: AD 1000 to Present (4)
Computer Science
CS 1010 Introduction to Interactive Entertainment (3)
DANC 1010 Introduction to Dance (3) DV
ENGL 2250 Creative Writing (3)
ENGL 2260 Introduction to Writing Short Fiction (3)
ENGL 2270 Introduction to Writing Poetry (3)
ENGL 2280 Introduction to Writing Creative Nonfiction (3)
HNRS 1530 Perspectives in the Creative Arts (3)
HNRS 2020 Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Creative Arts (3)
Construction & Building Sciences
BDC 1040 Introduction to Architecture (3)*
IDT 1010 Introduction to Interior Design (3)*
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music (3)
MUSC 1030 Introduction to Jazz (3)
MUSC 1033 Introduction to American Music (3)
MUSC 1035 History of Rock and Roll (3)
MUSC 1040 Music of World Cultures (3) DV
MUSC 1063 Music in Religion (3)
THEA 1013 Introduction to Theatre (3)
THEA 1023 Introduction to Film (3)
THEA 1033 Introduction to Acting (3)
THEA 1043 Introduction to American Musical Theatre (3)
• Only one course from either ART or ARTH may be used to fulfill Creative Arts
Social Science (SS) Select 6 credits and earn a passing grade.
ANTH 1000 Introduction to Anthropology (3) DV
ANTH 2010 Peoples and Cultures of the World (3) DV
ANTH 2030 Principles of Archaeology (3)
Child and Family Studies
CHF 1500 Human Development (3) DV
CHF 2400 Family Relations (3) DV
Criminal Justice
CJ 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3)
ECON 1010 Economics as a Social Science (3)
ECON 1100 Environmental Issues and Economic Policy (3)
ECON 2010 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECON 2020 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
*Required for major
Engineering Technology & Culture
ETC 2001 Engineering Culture (3) DV
GEOG 1300 Places and Peoples of the World (3) DV
GEOG 1520 Geography of the United States and Canada (3) DV
GERT 1010 Introduction to Gerontology (3)
Health Education
HLTH 1030 Healthy Lifestyles (3)
HIST 1500 World History to 1500 C.E. (3)
HIST 1510 World History from 1500 C.E. to the Present (3) DV
Wildcat Scholars
UNIV 1110 Introduction to Social Justice in Higher Education (3)
*Only one Human right in the World (POLS/WGS 2500) may be used to fulfill Social Sciences.
HNRS 1520 Perspectives in the Social Sciences (3)
HNRS 2050 Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Social Science (3)
HNRS 2110 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Classical and Mediv(3)
HNRS 2120 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the West in the Modern Era (3)
HNRS 2130 Intellectual Traditions: Great Ideas of the East (3) DV
Management Information Systems
MIS 1100 The Digital Society (3)
Physical Education Professional
PEP 2700 Sociohistorical Aspects of Sport (3)
Political Science
POLS 1520 Leadership & Political Life (3)
POLS 2100 Introduction to International Politics (3)
POLS 2200 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
POLS 2300 Introduction to Political Theory (3)
POLS 2400 Introduction to Law and Courts (3)
POLS 2500 Human Rights in the World (3)* DV
PSY 1010 Introductory Psychology (3)
PSY 2000 The Psychology of Human Relationships (3)
Social Work
SW 1010 Introduction to Generalist Social Work (3)
SW 2100 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
SW 2200 Issues in Diversity (3) DV
SOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology (3) DV
SOC 1020 Social Problems (3) DV
SOC 2400 Introduction to Ethnic Studies (3)
Women & Gender Studies
WGS 1500 Introduction to Women & Gender Studies (3) DV
WGS 2500 Human Rights in the World (3)* DV
Breadth General Education Requirements
DO NOT DUPLICATE DEPARTMENTS: Courses selected to fulfill breadth requirements must each be from a different program, with the exception of Honors.
Physical Sciences (PS) & Life Sciences (LS)
Select 9 credits (with at least 3 credits from Physical Sciences (PS) and at least 3 credits from Life Sciences (LS)) and earn a passing grade
Physical Sciences (PS)
CHEM 1010 Introductory Chemistry (3)
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry (5)
CHEM 1130 Introduction to General, Organic & Biochemistry (4) & 1135 Lab (1)
CHEM 1210 Principles of Chemistry I (5)
CHEM 1360 Principles of Physical Science (3)***
*Required for major
Geography *
GEOG 1000 Natural Environments of the Earth (3)
GEOG 1500 The Science of Global Warming: Myths, Realities and Solutions (3)
Geosciences *
GEO 1030 Earthquakes and Volcanoes (3)
GEO 1060 Environmental Geosciences (3)
GEO 1110 Dynamic Earth: Physical Geology (3)
GEO 1130 Introduction to Meteorology (3)
GEO 1350 Principles of Earth Science (3)
HNRS 1500 Perspectives in the Physical Sciences (3)
HNRS 2030 Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Physical Sciences (3)
PHYS 1010 Elementary Physics (3)
PHYS/ASTR 1040 Elementary Astronomy (3)**
PHYS 1360 Principles of Physical Science (3)***
PHYS 2010 College Physics I (5)
2040 Principles of Observational Astronomy (3)**
PHYS 2090 Environmental Physics: Energy and Power (3)
PHYS 2210 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (5)
*Required for major
* Only one course from either GEOG or GEO may be used to fulfill Physical Sciences.
**Only one course from either PHYS or ASTR may be used to fulfill Physical Sciences.
*** Only one Principles of Physical Science (CHEM/PHYS 1360) may be used to fulfill Physical
Life Sciences(LS)
ANTH 1020 Biological Anthropology (3) DV
BTNY 1203 Plant Biology (3)
BTNY 1303 Plants in Human Affairs (3)
BTNY 1370 Principles of Life Science (3)*
BTNY 1403 Environment Appreciation (3-4)
Health Sciences
HTHS 1110 Integrated Human Anatomy & Physiology I (4)
HNRS 1510 Perspectives in the Life Sciences (3)
HNRS 2040 Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Life Sciences (3)
MICR 1113 Introductory Microbiology (3)
MICR 1153 Elementary Public Health (3)
MICR 1370 Principles of Life Science (3)*
MICR 2054 Principles of Microbiology (4)
NUTR 1020 Science and Application of Human Nutrition (3)
ZOOL 1010 Animal Biology (3)
ZOOL 1020 Human Biology (3)
ZOOL 1030 The Nature of Sex (3)
ZOOL 1110 Principles of Zoology I (4)
ZOOL 1370 Principles of Life Science (3)*
ZOOL 2200 Human Physiology (4)
* Only one Principles of Life Science (BTNY/MICR/ZOOL 1370) may be used to fulfill Life Sciences.
日本一级片 Cources
Earn credit for TWO General Education areas by taking ONE course.
日本一级片 courses are new interdisciplinary, variable credit (3-5), team taught, and limited enrollment courses that satisfy requirements in two General Education areas (Core or Breadth). Must earn a passing grade. Students may take as many 日本一级片 Courses as they wish, but only the non-overlapping General Education attributes from subsequent 日本一级片 Courses will count toward General Education requirements.
日本一级片 Course Counts toward these two General Education areas:
- 日本一级片 1450 Intersections of Art and Communication General Education Areas Satisfied: Humanities (HU) and Creative Arts (CA)
- 日本一级片 1560 Politics in Film Humanities (HU) and Social Science (SS)
- 日本一级片 1560 Identity in the Digital Age Humanities (HU) and Social Science (SS)
- 日本一级片 1560 Sustainability in Thought & Practice Humanities (HU) and Social Science (SS)
- 日本一级片 1580 The Story and the Cell Humanities (HU) and Life Science (LS)
- 日本一级片 1680 Microbes Rule: Impact of Disease on History Social Science (SS) and Life Science (LS)
- 日本一级片 1680 The Sciences of Human Variation: From Sex to Gender & Race to Ethnicity Social Science (SS) and Life Science (LS)
- 日本一级片 2340 Pattern Play: Movement and Mathematics Quantitative Literacy* (QL) and Creative Arts (CA)
- 日本一级片 2350 Writing With Numbers Quantitative Literacy* (QL) and Humanities (HU)
- 日本一级片 2420 Evil Chemicals, Drug Scares, and Big Business Social Science (SS) and Physical Science (PS)
Avoid Misadvising Yourself!
Consult your academic advisor (EASTAdvising@weber.edu), the 日本一级片 Catalog (weber.edu/catalog), and
Your CatTracks degree evaluation (log into your eWeber Student Portal).